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"Hey you guys it's Y/N here. So as you guys know I was called out to do the pony challenge. And I know a few of y'all gonna be like why is she just now doing the challenge. Well let me tell ya muthafuckas something, I wasn't born talented so I can't dance" you said laughing.

" I've spent the whole week learning how to grind and I think I've got it down pack now. And I was told to wear sweat pants so I got them on" you said standing up showing the camera.

"So lets get to it" you said standing up.

You moved the chair before you started the music. Moving your hips, you pulled up your shirt showing off your abs and v-line. You watched your hips roll perfectly, you bit your bottom lip trying to look good for the camera. Turning side ways you threw yourself down on a hand stand, holding it for awhile before you slowly rolled your body as you went down.

"What the hell is you doing Y/N!?" You mom said walking in your room.

"Mama! I'm making a video" you said from on the floor.

"Oh my bad baby" your mom said before leaving out your room.


"Yo video is getting a lot of feedback"your best friend Taylor said.

"That's good! Hopefully I'll reach 2 million by tomorrow" you said on your laptop.

"Shit!" Your best friend yelled.

"What!?" You say.

" that YouTuber QueenBey made a reaction video to your video" Taylor said.

"That quick? It's only been two days" you said clicking on her video.

"Welcome to my channel where I do whatever the fuck I want Because im Bey" she said smiling before it cut into her intro.

"She can do whatever she wants to me" you said.

" so yesterday.... I think it was yesterday. But anyways I seen that Y/N did the pony challenge and I decided to make a reaction video.

The video started and Beyoncé sat there watching. Pausing the video while you were talking.

"Damn I love her accent" bey said biting her bottom lip before playing the video.

Beyoncé grabbed her chips eating it as she watched your video. She sat up a bit when you actually started dancing.

" ok Y/N I see you got some hip movement going on" Bey giggled.

Beyoncé jaw dropped when you lifted your shirt up.

"YESSSSS! Oh my god. Fuck" Bey said.

" she's loving it" Taylor laughed.


" ok! Y/N are you single!?.....come to California and perform this pony challenge in front of a live audience babyyyy" Beyoncé said opening her legs while she sat on her bed.

" actually I think I'm pregnant... that video was fucking amazing. If you see this hit me up" Bey said.

" Y/N! She wants you! Fucking DM her now!" Taylor said.

" and say what!?? I don't want to be awkward" you said.

" obviously she's down to fuck" Taylor said.

You grabbed your phone going to Beyoncé's Twitter jumping in her DM's

You: You asked for me?😏

Beyoncé: I surely did. Wassup?

You: I'm tryna see wassup with us baby.

Beyoncé: well I'm very much interested.

You: in me or what's in my pants?

Beyoncé: both🤪

Beyoncé : you're very attractive

You: lol and so are you. I'll really love to come see you...... if you let me.

Beyoncé: get to know me first and maybe I'll think about letting you come see me

You: yes ma'am.


~a week later~

Texting Beyoncé was now something you did everyday. You were definitely trying to cuff her.

" ok so you have your own place in California?" You asked.

"Yeah. It's a studio, one big space" she said.

" it's expensive as hell I heard"

"It is! That's why I went with the studio" Beyoncé laughed.

Staring at Bey you tried to figure out her accent. You heard it but couldn't quite tell.

"Why you looking at me like that" she giggled.

"You have an accent" you said.

"Oh I do huh?" She said bring her accent out more.

"North Carolina?" You asked.

"Texas" She said.

You let out a yawn before rubbing your eyes.

"You should head to bed it's pretty late over there" Bey said checking the time over there.

"Y/N it's 2am over there, go to sleep baby" she said.

"Will you call when you wake up?" You asked Bey.


"Promise?" You asked.

"I promise Y/N" she chuckled.

You said goodnight before hanging up and going to sleep.

A/N: part 2

Beyoncé imagines(Vol.1)Where stories live. Discover now