For love i shall lie part 2

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"Hey, could you watch him while I shower?" Beyoncé asked you.

" yeah just put him on the bed" you said not looking away from your laptop.

You were still mad at Bey for not telling you the truth. You couldn't get over the fact that she was a minor. you didn't know if you was ready to forgive her. Beyoncé stood under the water just thinking. She didn't know what to do to get you back, she wanted you back so badly. On her birthday you didn't tell her happy birthday or anything, you even still had her gifts you brought for her birthday still in your closet.

You looked from your laptop when you son started whimpering and grunting in his sleep, realizing what he was doing.

"Stank you takin a shit" you smiled rubbing his little stomach.

You waited till he was done to pick him up and change him in his room. You honestly didn't know how to change a diaper but you was going to try. Walking in Kamari's room you laid him on his changing table removing his onesie. Taking his diaper off you almost threw the fuck up.

"Damn son" you said scrunching up your face.

"That's a lot of shit lil nigga" you said.

Not being quick enough he started peeing on you. Covering him up you groaned at the pee on your shirt.

"I can do it if you want" Beyoncé said appearing at the door.

" naw I got it, I need to learn" you said removing the dirt diaper.

" oh fuck no" you said when the shit got on your finger.

Beyoncé chuckled as she watched you before she walked over to help you. Grabbing a wipe she cleaned your finger before taking over.

"Next time when you remove his diaper just fold it under his butt and make sure you wipe him clean before removing the dirty diaper before putting the clean one under him. You pull this part up before taking the straps on the side and sticking them to this part but not too tight" Beyoncé explained as she showed you.

"Thanks" you said putting Kamari back on his onesie.

"Look just like your mama" you mumbled looking at him.

"Not to me..... he looks more like you" Beyoncé said hoping this conversation would continue.

" a little"

You took Mari back in the room with you so you could change your shirt.


" Hey um do you need anymore of those pads?" You asked Beyoncé.

" no, I still have a lot" she said as she was breastfeeding.

You walked away but turned back around.

" I'm sorry.... for everything, I was just letting my anger get the best of me. I was just upset that I basically got played by a kid. I love you Bey I really do but..."

"But nothing, shit haven't changed but my age Y/N. I'm still the same mature woman you met that night at the club. I had nothing before I met you and you gave me everything I could ask for, you have me a loving family that I never had and I just want all that back..... I'll do anything to get that back" Beyoncé cried.

" just give me another chance and I'll make this better for us" she said.

Looking at Beyoncé you couldn't stay mad at her, you just couldn't throw y'all relationship away but something was telling you to just end it. Beyoncé let out a soft sob trying not to startle the baby as you walked away. She couldn't live in this house knowing you hate her. Unlatching Kamari from her nipple she burped him before she laid him down on the bed. She went to her closet ready to pack up until she seen you walk back in the room with a bunch of bags in your hands

"I'm sorry I was being an asshole and didn't tell you happy birthday or anything. So happy birthday" you said putting the bags on the floor.

Beyoncé looked at the designer bags on her floor before she walked over to you giving you a hug.

"I love you Y/N" she said.

" I love you too Bey" you said hugging her back.

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