Quarantine Moments part 2

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" I'm so bored I'm thinking about giving you a baby" You said resting your hand on Beyoncé's thigh.

"Hush because you're not ready for a child at all" She said.

"You right, but give me two or three years" You said said kissing Bey's jaw.

"I'll be gone by then" She joked.

"To hell cuz that's where imma send yo ass" you said.

"Heyyy" Beyoncé said making a pouty face.

"I'm just playing baby" You said kissing her pout.

You pulled Beyoncé onto your lap kissing her neck.

"Let's get in the pool" Beyoncé suggested.

"Only if you wear that cheetah print bikini..... the one with the green strings" You grinned.

"I be waitin for one of them titties to pop out" you laughed.

" I don't have that anymore"Bey said removing lint from your hair.

You wrapped your arms around Bey resting your head on her. You and Bey sat in each other's arms before She decided to get up.


"I'll be on the game later, I'm playin any and everybody. So when you see me post my gamer tag hop on" You said playing the basketball arcade game you had in your game room.

You shot a ball in before you read some of the comments.

"Bro this my live and y'all beehive keep asking where Bey at. The disrespect mannnn"

Just on cue, Beyoncé walked in the game room wrapping her arms around you from the back as you continued to shooting the basketballs. One of Beyoncé's hand dipped in your pants, her hand resting on your dick.

"There she go y'all" you said.

"They been asking for you" You said pulling Bey in front of you.

"Come shoot the ball" You grinned knowing Beyoncé couldn't shoot a ball for shit.

"You just want them to laugh at me" Beyoncé said taking the ball anyways.

"If I shoot this you have to buy me 5 purses" she grinned.

"Shid ok" you laughed.

You knew Beyoncé wasn't going to make it so you wasn't sweating it.

"Lemme flip the camera so they can see you" you said.

When Beyoncé threw the ball it actually made it in and You was shocked as fuck.

"What the fuck" you laughed.

" I want my purses by this week baby!" Beyoncé laughed before she smacked Your butt walking out.

" I'm not gone keep telling you about that shit" you said referring to her smacking yo ass.


"I think we need space" You said out of nowhere.

"What" Beyoncé said looking at You.

"We need space.... I'm not feeling this no moe" you said.

You was only joking with Bey to get a reaction out of her. You was bored as fuck and just wanted to bother her.

"Space for what exactly?"

"Bey..... I don't wanna be in a relationship with you anymore" you said.

"What the fuck did I do wrong?" She asked confused.

"Everything, it's boring and I can't take this anymore man"

"Listen Y/N.....The only way you're leaving me is in a casket.I've told you multiple times, there's nobody after me" Bey said.

"I'm serious. You can stay here until this quarantine shit over but after that you gotta go" You said trying to keep a straight face.

"No. This doesn't make any sense, we've been good so where did this come from?"

"Naw it's been good to you. I'm not happy all at"

"Well you better continue to fake it because I'm not going nowhere" Beyoncé said turning her attention back to the tv.

"Beyoncé" you said looking at her.

"I'm serious girl"

"Y/N I'm serious too.I'll mess up all your relationships"

"You won't find nobody better than me but you ain't gone be with nobody else either"

"Man yo ass crazy as fuck, what the fuck I got myself into" you chuckled.

"I was just playin Bae, I'll never leave you" you said kissing her cheek.

"Yeah I know"  she said.

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