Double Crazy part 2

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"Bitches not letting me see my kids" you told your best friend.

"So what do you want to do Y/N? File for custody?" He asked.

" if I have to I will, but I want to give them a warning first"

"So could you send them a letter or something. Informing them to let me see my kids or I will take action" you said.

Your best friend was a lawyer, a damn good one at that. You haven't seen your kids for two weeks ever since that incident, you tried multiple times to contact Bey and Nicki but they just ignored you. They even took you off the contact list at the kids school. After everything you did for them.


"Did you get that fucking letter from Duane?" Nicki asked Bey.

"I did. Y/N ain't stupid, I'll kill that girl if she try to take my baby from me" Bey said.

Beyoncé and Onika been spending a lot of time together since that fight. And they both was hurt by your actions so they wanted you to hurt. Cutting all access off that you had to the kids and Nicki was in the process of putting Yo ass on child support.

"Imma end up in somebody jail house when I'm done with her ass" Nicki said.

" I should go over there" Beyoncé said.

"Ouu let's go bitch" Nicki said.

Nicki and Bey met up after they had dropped their kids off at school and now they were heading to your house.

You was in the process of loading your car with some of your gym equipment, on the way to the park to meet your trainer. You looked up when you seen two cars pulling up. You stood by your car waiting for them to get out.

"What the hell is this?" Nicki asked you.

" you can read right?" You said getting smart.

"Y/N don't play with me" she said.

"You not taking my son from me so you can just drop this shit" Beyoncé said throwing the envelope at you.

"So when y'all started bumpin pussies? Y'all so close and shit. We definitely can go inside for some Three-Way fun" you said with a smirk.

"I'm tired of yo shit" Nicki said moving to swing on you.

"Aye I'm just tryna see my kids, it's not about y'all" you said moving away from Nicki.

"Yes it is! You was playing the both of us and now that we turned the tables you wanna cry like a little bitch" Beyoncé said.

"Alright and I'm sorry for that, I wasn't thinking at all. But now I just want my kids"

"Y'all already fucked me up, what more do y'all want" you said.

"Your last name" Beyoncé said.

"The both of us" Nicki added.

"Wowwww" you laughed.

Both Nicki and Beyoncé wanted your last name because of the value it holds. You're one of the richest woman in the world, things would be easier for them.

"Why? I give y'all money aside from the money I give the kids"

"Bitch you know why" Nicki said.

"Aye watch yo mouth, I still owe you a free fuck up from last time"

"Do we have a deal or not!?" Bey asked.

" let me talk to Duane first" you said.


"Mama I missed you!" London said hugging you when you picked her up.

"I missed you too princess" you said kissing her cheek.

"Me and Jordan been together but not with you" she said.

"I'm sorry baby girl. But that's why I'm taking you and your brother to Disney for 2 weeks" you said.

"Wassup man, why you looking like that" you chuckled caressing your son's face.

"He got a few shots today" Bey said.

"You a big boy, fix your face"

You ended up agreeing with Nicki and bey but you stopped giving money period. Everything you brought for your kids stayed with you.


"Jayyyy, stop turning the tv" London whined.

" I got here first"

The two kids started arguing but you wasn't paying attention since you was talking to your manager over the phone. They didn't catch your attention until Jordan ran in the room crying with blood on his face.

" hey I'll call you back" you said before hanging up.

"What happened baby?" You asked picking him up.

" London scratched me" he cried.

Jordan had 4 scratches right up under his eye. You took him to the bathroom to clean his face but you didn't have no peroxide or bandages for him. You went to call the front desk asking them for a first aid kit.


"I didn't mean to" London said coming in the room.

You took the Gucci slide off your foot before you beat your daughter.

"Go stand yo ass in a corner and don't move unless I say so!"

You went to answer the door when you heard a knock.

"Thank you so much" you said taking the kit.


"My baby face is gonna be messed up. You need to clip London nails, she can't be scratching people" Beyoncé said.

" yeah I just filed them down. And I'll put some castor oil on his face tomorrow" you informed your baby mama.

" just make sure my son come back to me in one piece" she said.

" yeah ight"

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