When the party's over

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Don't you know I'm no good for you?

"Come on babe try it" you said pushing the joint to her mouth.

" Y/N no I don't smoke and you know that" Beyoncé said pushing your hand away.

" just one little hit" you begged.

Beyoncé gave you a death glare before turning her attention away from you. So being the sneaky little bitch that you were you inhaled some smoke holding it in your mouth before you turned Beyoncé back towards you, puckering your lips like you was actually going to kiss her but instead you blew the smoke right in her mouth causing her to choke.

"Y/N!!! I TOLD YOU NO!!" Beyoncé snapped before she got up leaving you and your friends.

" baby it's not that serious" you said getting up to follow her.

" where the hell You're going?" You asked.

" away from you" she said walking out the door.

I've learned to lose you, can't afford to

You let her walk out the door not even going after her. that one hit had Beyoncé fucked up, the weed had her paranoid at first as she walked home but when her house came in sight depression took over her. You was suppose to be her get away from her crazy Fucking house. She knew her dad was going to have a fit because she told him she was staying at your house but now she's coming back. Walking through the front door Beyoncé's dad was sitting on the sofa drunk as fuck.

"What the hell you doing here?" He asked.

" I left Y/N house" she mumbled.

" so you had me to waste my God damn gas dropping you over there just for you to come back!!" He yelled.

" daddy I'll pay you back I promise" Bey said.

"How! You don't have a Fucking job"

" you know what, get cho stupid ass out my face" he said sipping his beer.

"NOWWWW!!" He yelled throwing the beer bottle at Her.

Beyoncé ran upstairs to her room closing and locking the door. Tears already streaming down her face as she sat on her bed. Beyoncé hated how she felt on the inside, how her dad made her feel. Going inside her bathroom she grabbed the blade that sat right behind her mouthwash and sat on the floor. This was the only way she knew how to release the pain. Rolling up her arm sleeve looking at the faded scars on her arm. Bey took the blade running it across her arm, seeing the white meat before the blood started seeping out. She cried in silence as she added another and another until she just started swiping the blade across her arm in a fast motion. Finally dropping the blade her left arm was covered in blood as she sat on the floor crying.

Tore my shirt to stop you bleedin'

Beyoncé ended up texting your phone telling you that she needed you. You were fucked up but you jumped in your car speeding to Her house. You parked across the street before you walked towards the back of the house. Grabbing the ladder you use to climbed up to  Bey's bed room. You entered Beyoncé's room walking towards the bathroom.

" fuck bey " you said looking at her bloody arm.

Looking for something you could use to clean her arm you ended up taking your shirt off leaving you in your sports bra, you wrapped her arm up.

" baby it's ok I'm here for you" you said sitting in front of her.

" no you're not!" She yelled but not to loud.

" We're suppose to be in bed right now cuddled up watching movies but instead you called your friends over to get high" Beyoncé cried.

But nothin' ever stops you leavin'

Beyoncé imagines(Vol.1)Where stories live. Discover now