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You hadn't been looking forward to this so called double date. Your friend from college wanted to meet up to catch up and insisted that they bring their partners, so asking your wife to clear her schedule for the night she did with ease. Driving over to the restaurant, they waited in the booth, chatting to your wife while waiting for your  friend and his partner to come along.

"Trey" You shouted over when you spotted your old friend with a girl.

"Do I look good baby?" Beyoncé asked her boyfriend as she checked herself in the restaurant parking lot.

"you look wonderful baby" Trey answered.

Beyoncé wanted to look good tonight not wanting to look bad in front of Trey's friend. Beyoncé grabbed Trey hand as they walked inside the fancy restaurant, hearing her boyfriend's name being called she turned around spotting the couple.

You stood up when Trey walked over "what's up man" You said clappin him up.

"Trey this my wife Abbie, Abbie this is my college best friend Trey" You said introducing the pair.

"Oh this must be ya Lil baby you was talking about," you said referring to Bey.

"Hi it's nice to finally meet you,
Y/N," Beyoncé said smiling, shaking Your hand before moving to the woman next to you doing the same.

" did you guys order drinks yet?" Trey asked letting Bey slide in the booth first.

"it's nice to meet you too," you said checking the girl out.

"Yeah, I ordered a bottle of wine, if that's any good to yall ?" You asked, not thinking if they drank anything else.

You smiled at the beauty in front of which was your friend's girlfriend.

"How you been man? Since college I mean" you chuckled, y'all haven't seen each other since then. Well, they did for a few months after but their lives took over.

" oh yeah wine is fine," Bey said smiling at You.

" oh I been good, I'm a doctor now so that's great. took me awhile but I'm finally where I want to be, plus I got a dame on my arm" Trey said referring to Bey.

He wrapped his arm around Beyoncé's waist kissing her cheek. You smiled at Bey  and then looked at your friend.

"that's good then, takes a while. I'm finally up in the bosses chair for my company" You gloated.

"CEO to be exact baby" Abbie chuckled and kissed your cheek"

"wow, CEO that's awesome I'm so proud of you dawg. I remember how you always used to talk about being your own boss so you wouldn't have to work for anybody. Shid I'm surprised you're even married, you was a wild one" Trey said

Beyoncé just sat there listening to her boyfriend and You talk not having anything to say. looking over and Your wife, getting a good look at her face. she was pretty but not pretty at the same time,plus she looked a bit older than you.

"I know, I know I'm glad no one can boss me around. It only took me 4 years to get here. Comes naturally" you smirked

"Wild?..... yeah you right but this one calmed me down" You said.

You and Abbie basically had an open relationship with each other as long as no babies was brought in the mix and y'all both came home to each other.

"Had to lock her away for a while before I let him out" Abbie laughed and resting her hand on Your thigh.

"sometimes you have to keep the good looking ones locked away," Beyoncé said throwing a hint towards You.

when the waitress came back Bey let her boyfriend order for her since he already knew what she liked.

"oh Bae call her back and tell her no onions" Beyoncé said.

Beyoncé had her dominant moments but it wasn't by choice it was just the fact that Trey did anything she said and got her the things she wanted/needed, he's kinda soft with her.

You chuckled when Bey demanded Trey correct her order. Knowing if you had her you'll definitely cut that Shit out.

"Some things never changed" you said remembering how your friend used to be in college.

"Clearly Beyoncé wears the pants in this relationship" You teased them.

"so have you been up to anything then?"  You asked Bey.

You couldn't help but look over towards Beyoncé , finding her attractive.

"Man stop playin with me, she's just spoil and doesn't know what the word no mean," Trey said laughing.

"Me? Oh yeah I just finished school, and I have a job interview Thursday so I hope that goes well" Beyoncé said.

"I hope it goes well," You said and felt Abbie's grip get tighter on you.

Once y'all food had came they all soon tucked in.


"We gotta do this again man," you  said to Trey.

"Yeah, maybe next week we can go shoot some pool, or out to the movies" Trey suggested.

Beyoncé kept looking over at You, trying to stop the thoughts that were just running wild in her head.

"Sounds good to me. What you think baby?" You asked your wife

"yeah I'm up for that. Even if I'm no good" Abbie said.

"looks like it's a second double date" Trey said with a smile.

After y'all  finished the food y'all  talked a bit more, mainly You and Trey doing all the talking. Beyoncé rested her head on her boyfriend's shoulder with one arm wrapped around his waist.

" all ready to go beautiful?" Trey asked Beyoncé , pushing the hair out her face.

"I am whenever you're ready baby, I want you to catch up with Y/N," Bey said.

"I'll let you get yo lady home, we can catch up again soon" You said to your old friend.

"I'll get this, my treat" You said pulling out your  card, you called the waiter over.

"ready to go baby?" You asked Abbie.

"here's the keys, I'll catch you out there" watching your wife walk off you waited for the waiter and paid the bill. When Trey slid out the booth you looked at Beyoncé biting your lip and winked.

Beyoncé blushed hard when You winked at her, she grabbed Trey's hand when she was out the booth. " I'll see you around Y/N, it was nice meeting you," Beyoncé said shaking Your  hand with her free one.

" hey text me when you guys made it home safely," Trey said.

Beyoncé imagines(Vol.1)Where stories live. Discover now