Pay the price part 2

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Beyoncé head was pounding as she started to wake up. She opened her eyes not recognizing her surroundings. Trying to move she realized that she was handcuffed to a metal bar that was on the door. She don't even remember how she got here. Trying to yank at the cuffs but it did nothing. Looking out the window it's like they were at a rest stop.

" Help me!" She started screaming.

" oh you're up" You said coming from behind the curtains.

Seeing Your face brought back everything last night.

" Natalie. W-what are you doing? Why do you have me cuffed?" Beyoncé asked.

"You really don't remember Beyoncé " You chuckled.

"H-How you know my name?" She asked.

" well for starters you told me last night. And remember that girl you bumped into in lunch 10th grade year and then you had those football players to bump food all over me? Oh! What about the time I told you i liked you in the summer of 2009? But then had some people to jump on me and my little brother who was 14! At the time while we were by the lake. That was me, Y/N" you said.

"You caused me pain now I'm gonna do the same for you" you said sitting in the drivers seat as you started your  truck up to get back on the road.

" that was fucking 8 years ago! I'm not like that anymore" Beyoncé said as she started to cry.

You laughed at Bey while she cried, you didn't care about her tears.

"Remember when your boyfriend at the time punched me in the eye because I wouldn't let you copy my homework. I don't know if it was Shawn or Luke, you had so many boyfriends. Come to think of it you was a hoe, a very big one" you laughed.

"But I liked you a lot" you said.

" how many boyfriends did you have?" You asked.

Beyoncé had her head down as she silently cried to herself ignoring Your question.

" you dated bout like half the football players, you was going through the whole team huh? Letting all them fuck you. I heard the shit they were saying about you and it was crazy"

Beyoncé only ever had sex with 3 guys from high school but of course they were going to be rumors about her but she didn't care because she was still feared around the school.

" Beyoncé I could've treated you so much better than them. But I guess because I was lanky, tall, and smart you didn't want that. But you wanted those stupid niggas you let fuck on you" you said.

" I didn't fuck the whole football team asshole! You don't know shit but rumors" Beyoncé snapped.

" and you wasn't my type in high school" Beyoncé said.

" but I am now, I don't know if you remember because how drunk you was but you sucked my dick last night"

"And you rape me! You fucking pig" Bey yelled.

" I definitely didn't rape you, I just simply threw you in my truck and got on the road. We're in Illinois right now" You said.

Beyoncé let out a loud sob when she heard how far from home she was.

" I want to go home" she cried.

"That's never going to happen, I'm pretty sure nobody will miss you anyways" you said.


Beyoncé had to pee, she was hungry, and her side was hurting.

"I have to pee"Bey  said.

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