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"I made the guest room up for your brother and I had Julius go get him so that I can have some alone time with you before he gets here" Beyoncé said.

"Why? Think you not gonna get any attention with him here?" You asked.

" I mean I know I will but I want some now. Is that ok with you? Can I get my girlfriend's attention now" Beyoncé asked with a grin.

"Yes you can" you said patting your lap.

Beyoncé walked over to you straddling your lap before she attacked your lips with hers.

"I love you so much"you mumbled pecking her lips.

" I love you too baby" Bey smiled.


"Y/N!! I'm here" your brother Aaron yelled through the house.

"You don't have to yell" Beyoncé said poking her head out the kitchen.

"There go my other big sister" Aaron said walking inside the kitchen.

"Thanks for letting me stay here, I had to get away from my parents and their fuckin rules" he said sitting at the table.

"It's rules everywhere you go and it's definitely rules in this house" Bey said.

"Yeah I know that but you know what I'm tryin to say" he said.

"So where is my sister?" Aaron asked.

"She's in the shower" She said.

"I'm surprise you not in there with her" Aaron laughed.

" if you wasn't here then yeah" Beyoncé nonchalantly.

"Oh don't let me get in the way of y'all fuckin" Aaron laughed.

"I'm gonna go tell your sister you're here" Bey said before going upstairs.

Beyoncé walked in the room finding you laying on the bed naked with the towel under you.

"Cover up, your brother is here" Bey said.

"Close the door for me, I don't feel like moving" you said looking up at the Ceiling.

Bey climbed on the bed hovering over you on the opposite side looking at your eyes.

" you hot box the bathroom huh?" She asked.

" I did" you mumbled.

You puckered your lips at Bey, closing your eyes waiting for her to kiss you. Beyoncé leaned down kissing your lips but you held her head so she wouldn't go nowhere. You sucked on Beyoncé's bottom lip, smirking when She moaned.

"Get away" Bey chuckled,pushing you away.

"Let me put on some clothes" you said getting up.


"Where all the bad bitches at?" Aaron asked you coming inside your office.

" I have no idea but I know where mines at" you said.

"Yeah Bey is a bad bitch, she's too bad for you though" your brother said just messing with you.

"I'm rich as fuck so I was bound to get a bad bitch" you said looking at your brother.

"Speaking of rich let me hold some money" he said.

"That's not how you ask dick head"

"Can I borrow some money? Please big sister" Aaron said in a baby voice.

You looked at your brother before pulling out your money giving him five hundred dollars.

"Don't spend it all in one place nigga"

Beyoncé imagines(Vol.1)Where stories live. Discover now