Maltreat part 2

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It's been a month since that psycho broke into you and Beyoncé's house. For now all your fights was cleared until your doctor clear you. Beyoncé didn't want to live in the house after what happened. The guy ended up getting away but you was glad he did. Beyoncé is performing at this 5 star restaurant grand opening and since the guy said he's always at her event you decided that's when you'll get him. You paid one of your guards 20,000 to kidnap him when he see him.

" baby I don't think I can do it" Beyoncé said.

" don't worry baby, I promise that man not gonna get nowhere near you" you said.

" but I will Eric know who he is?" Bey asked.

" I'm gonna point him out and Eric is gonna do the rest" you said.


"Now did you pick an outfit to wear tomorrow?" You asked.

"I can't make up my mind, I like all the outfits Steve sends me" Bey said.

"Well you can't go wrong with black" you said pointing at the black jumper.

" Uhn Uhn, I think I'll go with the black turtle neck, burgundy skirt, and black boots" she said.

" that too, you look good in anything" you said kissing her cheek.


You would've thought after he did what he did that he would've disappeared. But no he just couldn't stay away from Beyoncé, he couldn't help himself. He paid a lot of money to get into the restaurant but he'll do anything to see her.

"You look beautiful" you said to your girlfriend as y'all was pulling up.

" thank you baby, so do you" she smiled.

you just had on a black nike overall, a white hoodie underneath with your white forces. When the driver pulled up in the front you got out first groaning in pain when you moved, the tissue in your stomach was scarred up bad so it was taking longer than usual to heal. Once you were out you helped Beyoncé out the car. The two of you posed for a few pictures before escorted inside.

"I'm gonna go with Eric but I'll be back before you perform" you said kissing her head.

"Ok baby"

You walked out the office they set up for Beyoncé, Eric was waiting for you and the both of y'all went to see if the guy was here.

" let me know when you see him" Eric said.

" just look for a fat nigga with a mole above his eyebrow, he look like a Indian" you said looking around the room.

Y'all didn't see him out in the front, you knew he had to be here.

"Where is this fat fuck" you said to yourself.

You thought for a second. He was obsessed with Beyoncé so he'll try to get close to her. You tapped Eric before walking behind the double doors. You seen him standing by the trays of food acting like he was an employee, you grabbed him by his jacket throwing him into the nearest wall.

"I knew you were going to be here" you said.

"Get him out of here" you said looking at Eric.

You knew it was going to hurt him not seeing Beyoncé perform.

"No! Wait! Let me see her!" He said.

Eric dragged him out the back door where he had the van waiting. He hit Henry in the back of his head knocking him out.


You wasn't going to wait for him to wake up. This nigga was going to pay for everything he did that night. You had Henry tied up in a chair naked, you picked up the flat wooden board and smacked him across his stomach. That definitely woke him up, screaming in pain.

"Finally you up" you said hitting him again.

"Ok, ok" he cried out.

"OK WHAT!? YOU WANT ME TO STOP!?" You asked.

You. Gonna. Sit. Yo. Fat. Ass. There. And. Take. It" you said hitting him between every word.

Henry stomach has turned red, even drawing out a little blood. Throwing the board down you walked over towards him.

"You came in my house and then had the audacity to violate my girl"

You punched him in the face repeatedly until his blood was covering your hands.

" oh no. Wake up, I want you up through it all" you said slapping his face.

"I'm s-sorry...... I won't do it again, I swear. I'll leave her alone" he cried.

"It's too fuckin late for that"

you rolled the cart with the portable car battery over towards him. You blood was pumping right now, you wasn't leaving until this man was dead. You grabbed the jumping cables pressing them against his stomach, he screamed in pain. You didn't stop until he had two burns on his chest. He begged you to stop but you wasn't hearing that. You grabbed the pliers before walking behind him, you snatched his nails off one hand.


"SHUT UP!" You yelled at him.

"I realize that I'll never get over what you did and that's a problem..... you know what I don't with my problems? I burn them" you said.

You made sure both his balls and dick were hanging off the chair before you threw some books on the floor, pouring lighter fluid on them. He couldn't see what you was doing since his stomach was in the way. You set the match watching the fire become bigger.

"HELP! HELP" he scream as he started feeling the heat of the fire.

"Nobody can't hear you" you laughed.

He started rocking side to side to get his chair to tip over but you nailed the chair down. You watched as the fire burned him, hearing his screams. You kept your eyes on him, watching as his balls just pop like a water balloon, all the blood on the floor. You sprayed the rest of the lighter fluid on his body watching him burn, you wasn't leaving no traces.


You got back home around 1am, as soon as you opened the door Beyoncé was greeting you. 

" baby you got blood on you" Beyoncé said.

You changed your clothes before you came. Lifting up your shirt you realized you were bleeding from your wound.

"Come lay down and let me help you" Beyoncé said.

A/N: I didn't know how to end it.

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