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" I got the stuff you asked for" You said giving Beyoncé the bag.

she wasted no time digging in the bag pulling up the box of gushers.

"Thanks baby" Beyoncé Said.

"I brought you Panda Express too I'm gonna put it in the kitchen" You said.

"Can I get dick tonight too?" Beyoncé asked eating chips now.

"Whatever you want baby" You said taking your food out the bag.

"I can't wait till he comes, he's making me fat. You hear that Jason? You're making mommy fat" Beyoncé said rubbing her stomach.

"Bey You're going to lose all of that baby fat, you gonna snap right back" you said sitting down with your food.

"What is that? It smells good" bey said peeking over.


"Don't be mean, I'm pregnant with your child. Look he's even kicking for it and you said whatever I want"

"Bey , you have a bag full of junk and food in the kitchen" You said.

" ok fuck you" Beyoncé said getting up with her bag, walking to the kitchen to get her food before waddling to the room.

"Go ahead and be mad with yo mad ass" You said as you sat on the couch eating and watching tv.


"Bey I'm not buying that, What am I buying this for? We don't need it" You said to Bey as she held a easy bake oven.

"Because I want to bake. Baby please" she whined.

"We have an oven at home"

"But that's super dangerous and my big belly might get in the way" she said.

"Oh my fucking god, I swear you're not getting anything else" You said picking the easy bake oven up putting it in the cart.

"Yessss, thank you bae" Beyoncé said pulling You in for a kiss.

"When we get home we could bake together or I could bake you things" she suggested.

"You can make them but I'm gonna watch the game that's coming on" you said waiting in line.

"I'm so excited and so is Jason" Beyoncé squealed.

"You wanna go sit over there while I wait to pay for this?" You asked.

"No I want to stand here with you" Beyoncé said wrapping her arms around You trying to hug you but couldn't since her belly was in the way.

"Oh you two look like a lovely couple, what are y'all expecting? The old lady asked.

"Oh thank you and a boy" Beyoncé smiled.

" you're a lucky young gal" she said to You before moving up.

"You heard that baby? She said you're lucky. Remember I told you back in high school that you're a lucky girl to have me" Beyoncé said.

" oh hush you"


" Y/N" Beyoncé said tapping you to wake up.

" What?" You mumbled.

" I'm hungry" she said.

" what do you want to eat Bey ?"

Beyoncé knew You was mad by the tone of her voice.

" can we just go to ihop and eat there?" She asked.

"Yeah I guess" she said getting up about to go in her pajamas.

Beyoncé got up grabbing Your jacket off the chair. Getting into the car they drove to ihop, Beyoncé sat next to You so she could cuddle her while they waited.

" hey little man, why you kicking me" You said as you talked to your son rubbing Beyoncé's belly.

"He's hungry" bey Said.

"Don't worry bubby Mama's gonna get you something to eat" you said.

"I can't wait till he gets here, I'm gonna love seeing you two together. But we need to get a fuck in before he comes, I'm gonna need it" Beyoncé Said.

"Beyoncé we just had sex 3 times yesterday probably more. I'm still sore" you said.

" oh God don't be a baby, that was nothing" she said.

"Alright fine if you don't wanna fuck then just finger me or eat me out or something" Bey Suggested.

" I never said no, I'm just complaining"


"oh fuck, Y/N hurry pleaseeee" Bey cried out.

"Coming baby I gotta grab the bags and car seat" you said running downstairs.

Beyoncé walked out the door hold the bottom of her stomach, she was glad that they didn't live far from the hospital. You got in speeding towards the hospital, once they got there you helped Beyoncé out the best she could with two bags and a car seat in her hands.

" my girlfriend is in labor" You shouted when she entered the waiting room.

Beyoncé was 7cm when the nurse checked her when she got in the room.

"I should fucking kill you for doing this to me" Beyoncé said to you.

" ME! You asked for a baby!" You said.

"Gosh no more after this one. It hurt so much" Beyoncé cried out.

" I know baby, just eat on this ice " You said feeding her ice.

As You were putting a couple of ice chips in Beyoncé's mouth another contraction hit her causing her to bite down on your finger.

"FUCK! FUCKKKKKK!" You yelled snatching your fingers back.

"Baby I'm so sorry" bey said as she rubbed her stomach.

Your finger was all red and throbbing. You had got a cup putting some ice in it for your fingers.

"Alright Beyoncé let's check to see if you're ready to push" the nurse said.

"I feel like I'm ready" said.

"What happened to you Mama " the nurse said smirking over at You.

"I was feeding her ice and she had a contraction and bit my finger" you explained.

"Awee, I can make it better for you" she said.

"No She's fine!" Beyoncé said glaring at the nurse.

"Can you just go get the doctor" Bey said rolling her eyes.


"He's so...perfect" Beyoncé said looking at her son in her arms as tears felled from her eyes.

"He is, he looks a lot like me" You said.

"He does, he looks nothing like me"Bey Said crying even more.

"My genes is just too strong"  you chuckled

"That's not fairrr, I want him to look like me too" Beyoncé cried.

" she on something?" You asked the doctor.

" no. Most likely just her hormones going everywhere" the doctor said.

Jason started crying in Beyoncé's arms.

" let's see if he's ready to eat" the nurse said.

"Tell mommy to give you some of that titty"you said picking Jason up as Bey went to remove her gown.

"I ammmmmm" Bey said taking off her hospital gown"

" my two favorite people in the world" You said when you passed Jason back to Beyoncé.

Beyoncé imagines(Vol.1)Where stories live. Discover now