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"Beyoncé make sure you're back before 5.No later than 5:30 because ain't nobody gonna be watching this damn baby all day" Beyoncé's baby daddy mother said.

" I will" Bey said grabbing her book bag.

Beyoncé is a senior in high school and she had a baby from her ex Tony but unfortunately he died when he got shot up on the block. Once Beyoncé's parents found out she was pregnant they kicked her out and Tony and his mom took her in.And now they Tony was gone Beyoncé couldn't stand living with her, she was so judgmental. She felt like her and her son wasn't wanted.

Getting to school you seen your girlfriend Bey walking inside the school. You quickly grabbed your book bag before rushing out your car just to get to her.

"Bey!"you shouted through the hall.

Beyoncé turned around and shook her head when she seen it was you. She waited for you to catch up with her before she started back walking.

"Hey beautiful" you said smiling at her.

"Hi Y/N. How are you?" Beyoncé asked.

"So much better now that you're here" you said.

Beyoncé stopped at her locker leaning on it as she looked at you.

"You so cute and corny" she said before pulling you into a kiss.

You and Beyoncé just recently started dating. You were shocked when she even said yes to you when you asked her on a date. When Beyoncé first came to the school so many guys wanted to talk to her but you were glad she played for your team.

" what you doing after school today?" You asked.

"I have to go home after school. Got to take care of some things" she said.

" oh. Umm could I come over or no?" You asked.

Beyoncé always gave an excuse every time you asked to hang out with her after school. You only had 3 classes with her and the two of you never hung out after school, except for the time when you took her on that date.

"Y/N.... I'll text you to let you know ok?" She said.


Once the bell rung for dismissal you waited for Beyoncé outside her classroom since it was right across from yours. Walking out the school together, you turned your head when you heard someone call Beyoncé's name.

"Beyoncé ! Come get your shit!" Angie yelled as she put the crying baby and their things ot the car.

"Angie! W-what are you doing!?" Beyoncé asked as she ran over picking up her son.

"I can't take this shit anymore! He always crying and shit and you hardly can take care of him. My son didn't want that damn baby and you knew that but you still had it. You and him gotta stay somewhere else" Angie said.

"And go where!? We don't have anywhere else! He's your fucking grandchild" Beyoncé yelled back as tears filled her eyes.

You just sat there and watch everything went down,You were so confused. Everyone around was watching, some were even laughing at her. You finally snapped out of it and went to help her out.

"Come on" you said grabbing as many bags as you could.

Unlocking your car for Beyoncé and her son, you threw the bags in the trunk before running to get the rest of their things. Once you had everything you got in your car you pulled out of the parking lot.

You didn't know where to take Bey so you took her back to your place. Helping her out the car you grabbed her book bag and the baby bag.

"C-could I use your tub to give him a bath? She didn't even change him all day and he smells like piss and shit" she said as more tears formed.

"Yeah of course. Did you want me to get that baby tub out the car?" You asked trying to be helpful.

"Yes please" Beyoncé said.

It didn't take you long. Showing Bey the bathroom you sat there as she gave her son a bath.

"How old is he?" You asked.

"5 months...... his dad died when he was 3 months. I've been living with my ex and his mom ever since I found out I was pregnant. My parents kicked me out and they took me in. I'm sorry about not telling you about me having a baby but I wanted to keep that a secret for as long as possible. I didn't want anyone judging me" Beyoncé said standing up with the baby in her hands.

You gave her a dry towel for the baby before leading the way to your room.

"You don't have to apologize Bey. This doesn't change how I feel about you" you said sitting down next to her.


"You can stay here if you want. My auntie won't care" you said.

" I don't want it to affect us Y/N" Beyoncé said.

" it won't baby,I promise" you said kissing her forehead.

Beyoncé jumped up when she heard whining from upstairs. Going to get her son she came back sitting even closer to you.

"Y/N. This is my son Aiden" she said with a smile.

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