Hot Mama

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"Didn't I tell you not to come over here if you ain't got my food" Beyoncé said.

"Man stop playing with me" you said walking in Beyoncé's house, closing the door behind you.

"But I told you I was hungry and you came over empty handed. And then you gone want some pussy later" she said.

"With you dressing like that when I come over hell yeah imma want some" you said dropping your book bag on the floor.

"Just chill, imma order the food" you said wrapping your arms around her waist, kissing her lips.

"I want food now" Bey said pouting.

"And go take a shower because you smell like outside"

" I had gym for last block" you grinned.

You walked upstairs to Beyoncé's room going to the dresser where She kept your things. You pulled out underwear, a polo T-shirt, and some gym pants.

"You gotta pick up Javon today?" You asked.

"No, his daddy got him" Bey said.

You nodded your head before walking in the bathroom. About two months ago you met Beyoncé at your best friend's family cookout, she was a friend of a cousin. You flirted with her and she flirted back, when she offered you to come back to her place you then told her that you were in high school but she didn't care, just as long as you were over 18. She's 28 and Bey didn't care at all about your age. You have good dick, whatever she wanted you got it for her and most importantly you got along with her 3 year old son.

"How was school?" Beyoncé asked when you came out the bathroom.

"It was Ight, just the same shit" you said putting your clothes it's the dirty clothes basket.

"And how was yo day?" You asked sitting on the bed to lotion your legs.

"Relaxing" she said rubbing on your thigh.

You looked over at Bey before leaning back just in case because you knew what that thigh rub mean.

"That's good. What chu want to eat? Panda Express?" You asked.

"Uhn Uhn. I want some food from this Cuban restaurant up the street"

After you were done lotioning your legs you grabbed your phone to make an order on Postmates. You felt yourself growing hard as Bey kept rubbing your thigh, getting higher and higher.

"Why you playin?"

"Wahhh?" Beyoncé grinned looking at you.

"Come eat the lap" you said.

"Girl please my food is coming" she said getting up leaving you in the room.


"Javon lemme see yo picture lil man" you said sitting on the floor next to him.

" I drew a car" he said showing you.

"Wowww, that's good. I want a car just like that" you chuckled.

"We go build one and my mommy, my mommy ha drive" Javon said to you.

"Yo mommy drive like a grandma" you joked.

"Don't be talking about me to my baby" Beyoncé said from the kitchen.

"Come on let's go see if she done with the cupcakes" you said getting off the floor with Javon following behind you.

"Von you let Y/N talk about yo mama?"

"No, ha was nice for you" he said holding on to Beyoncé's leg.

Beyoncé just finished putting the icing on the cupcake before she gave Javon one.

"Mmmm" he said licking the icing.

"It's that good?" You chuckled.

"Mhmmm" he said with icing on his mouth already.

Javon only ate the top part of the cupcake before Bey cleaned his mouth and hands off.

"Go watch tv a little bit more before you get ready for bed.

"I can't believe you gave him a sugar free cupcake" you laughed.

"Hell yeah, his little ass ain't finna be bouncing on my walls" Beyoncé said getting a cupcake for you and her.

"And this bet not be sugar free" you said eyeing her.

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