My Own part 2

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It's been a week, going on two weeks since you brought Beyoncé's parents house and they have yet to apologize to you. But you really didn't give a fuck, you was rich as hell and you proved that to them. But sadly you had to see them again tonight. You were throwing Beyoncé a party for her birthday and you also was planning on proposing to her. You had over three hundred people coming. You knew everything was going to be perfect.

" Brian did you pick up the ring for me?" You asked over the phone.

"Yeah but it's kinda weighing my car down how big that rock is!" He said.

"Only the best for my queen" you chuckled.

"I wish I was Bey" he joked.

" shut up and get here" you laughed.

"Who was that baby?" Beyoncé asked coming out of the bathroom just as you hung the phone up.

"My other girlfriend, she wants to see me" you said looking at Bey to see her reaction.

"Oh yeah? To bad the last place she's going to see you is in a casket" Beyoncé said looking over at you.

You laughed as you walked over to Beyoncé wrapping your arms around her.

"I love it when you threaten my life" you said removing her towel from her body.

"Y/N noooo, I Have too many appointments today" Beyoncé's said as she tried to reach for her towel.

"I thought you wanted some birthday dick" you said with a grin.

" babe you know I do but later tonight, plus you gave me pre birthday dick last night" Bey said grabbing her towel.

"I'm showing you no mercy tonight" you said sitting on the bed to watch her get dress.


" Ms. Knowles?" The nurse called out.

Beyoncé got up following the nurse, taking Bey to one of their private rooms.

"Ok Ms. Knowles the doctor will be with you shortly. Just change into the gown and up on the table" the nurse smiled.

Beyoncé got dressed into the gown before she got up on the table waiting for the doctor. She smiled when she seen your contact name on her screen, she couldn't help but to smile every time.

My Life Line🥰❤️👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩: I think I miss you😢

🌍 : you think?🤨

My Life Line🥰❤️👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩: I miss your pretty face

My Life Line🥰❤️👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩: come homeeeeeeeeeeee

My Life Line🥰❤️👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩: daddy want some time with you before everybody be in your face tonight.

🌍: baeeeeee I'm trying to get cute for my party.

"Hello I'm doctor Robin"

"Oh hi" Beyoncé said before sending a quick text.

🌍:I'll call you wen I'm done. Love you baby

You smiled at Beyoncé's text. You really couldn't see yourself without her, that's why you had to marry her. You looked at the name you got her saved under and just chuckled to yourself. Beyoncé is your world so
You just saved her under the world emoji and bey didn't like that simple ass shit at all, she wanted you to go all out.

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