Texas Baby

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Beyoncé was new in town, straight from Texas. Accent just as thick as her; she had shoulder length brown hair with pretty brown eyes. Beyoncé didn't want to leave Texas where all her friends were but her dad got a really good job offer in New York. Of course she was excited that she finally got to go to New York but she wouldn't be returning home so she had to get used to this new life.

"Dad do I have to go to school tomorrow? Why can't I settle in first?" Beyoncé complained.

" Beyoncé I don't need your grades dropping. You don't know how these teachers are" Dwayne said.

Bey rolled her eyes before groaning; she really didn't want to go to school.

" come on cheer up please. I did this for us, I can finally start getting some stuff you actually want and I know prom will be the best day of your life princess" he said nudging Her leg.

" I'm trying"


Beyoncé was so glad she got everything done before the bell could ring. Now she won't be the last to arrive. Walking to her first period she quickly spoke to the teacher before grabbing a seat in the back where she felt comfortable at. Pulling out her phone she texted her friends back.

" excuse me you in my seat" You said.

" I'll move when the teacher say she gave out assigned seats" Beyoncé said not even looking up.

" you trippin new girl" you laughed before taking the seat in front of her.

" you got a pencil?" Henry asked Beyonce.

" yes but you have to give me collateral" She said.

" collateral? The fuck is that?" He asked.

" you gotta give her something of yours and when you give her shit back she's going to give yours back" You explain.

" ohhh"

" he stupid as fuck, you gotta dummy things down for him. I swear he been in the same grade for 3 years now" You laughed.

" that's not funny maybe he's struggling and nobody is helping" Beyoncé said.

" Ight cowgirl" you said turning around in Your seat.

" you can take this" Henry said giving Bey a piece of paper.

Beyoncé shook her head when she seen what was on the paper. The boy actually was dumb. The work was easy to Her, back at home she had all ap classes but this school didn't have them which was weird.

" Y/N since you stay talking in my class what's the final answer?" The teacher asked.

" ahhhh.... ms. Clark you always putting me out there" You said sitting up.

" answer the question"

" 89" Beyoncé whispered to you.

" umm. 89 right?" You said.

" yes 89" the teacher said before turning back to the board.

" ouuuu cowgirl smart. I like that, we need to be friends" You said.

" stop calling me cowgirl because that isn't my name" Beyoncé said.

"What's yo name then? Because I need to know my friend's name"

" it's Beyoncé" she said.

" Y/N" You said giving her a smile.

" well it's nice to meet you Y/N" Bey said right before the bell rung.

" here's your pencil" Henry said smiling at Bey.

" and here's your number" She said handing it back to him getting up from her seat.

You bust out laughing when Beyoncé gave his number back. But your laughter didn't last long when you seen her from the back. The black shirt fitting her to the tea, showing off her curves and then those jeans.

" cowgirl got an ass. Damn!" You said.

" man I'll put a baby in that" Henry said.

" nigga you stupid she don't want you" You said getting up.

Beyoncé looked at her schedule to see which class she had next.

" ugh. gym" she said.

You ended up catching up with Bey. Snatching her schedule out her hand to see her classes.

" yooooo, you got every class with me except for 6th period" You said.

" that's rude! Don't snatch out my hand" She snapped taking her schedule back.

" damn I'm sorry" you said holding your hands up.

Beyoncé ended up following you to the gym. Walking in the gym, it was a bunch of kids which made her kinda nervous. She walked over to the teacher giving him her schedule so he could see that she was in his class.

" ok next time you have my class bring changing clothes but no shorts shorts ok?" Coach Steven said.

" yes sir" she said before she went to find somewhere to sit.

Walking up the stands she decided to sit over by the wall away from everyone. Pulling out her phone she looked at the snaps her friends posted, smiling when they all made a video saying they missed her.

"Damn who got you smiling like that? Yo nigga?" You asked.

" no, just my friends from back home" she said.

" you miss them huh?"

"Yeah I do" Bey mumbled.

" lemme make a video and send it to them" You said holding out your hand for her phone.

" why?" Bey chuckled.

" so I can let them know you good" You said.

Beyoncé gave You her phone watching you carefully.

" yoooo. I'm just letting y'all know this lil baby is fine with me, I'm taking good care of her" You said.

Kelly snuck up behind You jumping in the video.

Beyoncé laughed at the both of y'all being goofy. After you was done you sent the video before giving Beyoncé her phone back.

"Yo what's good kel" you said to Kelly

" nothing man, just vibin"

" that's the girl that got Henry ass?" Kelly asked.

" hell yeah" You chuckled.

"I'm Beyoncé " she said smiling.

" ouuu, you pretty girl. I'm Kelly"

"Thank you" Beyoncé said blushing.

" you blushing and shit" You said.

" oh hush" Beyoncé said fanning you away.

" how was school princess? Dwayne asked.

" it was pretty good to be honest. I thought it was going to be like how it always be in those movies. The new kid getting picked on but I made two new friends, Y/N and Kelly. They even sent A video to Angie, terry, and joy" Beyoncé said.

"That's good. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, I start work tomorrow... think you can start catching the bus?" He asked.

" the bus?.......fine" she mumbled.

Beyoncé imagines(Vol.1)Where stories live. Discover now