You saved me part 3

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Beyoncé: hey

Beyoncé : I know it's late and I'm sorry for bothering you but could I come over?

Beyoncé: please? My dad is out of town and someone is fussing outside my house and I'm scared.

Beyoncé: I don't want to be alone

You groaned when you heard your phone kept going off. Rolling over towards the night stand, you grabbed your phone. To see who was texting you.

You: yeah sure I guess. You want me to come pick you up or call you an Uber?

Beyoncé: pick me.

Beyoncé: please

You: what's your address?

Beyoncé:* insert address*

you: I'll be there shortly.

You got up out your bed slipping on your shoes. You walked down the hall towards your daughter's room picking her up out of the crib. You grabbed her little blanket before walking out the house. You put your daughter in her car seat before putting the blanket over her.

Beyoncé didn't plan on staying at her house until her dad came back so she quickly packed a bag before she waited in the living room for You. Hearing the car horn bey grabbed her bag before walking out the door making sure everything was locked up. 

" damn baby where you rushing off too? Some guy said as bey walked out.

She lived in a duplex so she sometimes had to deal with her neighbor. Before she could step off the porch he grabbed her bag and Beyoncé freaked the hell out.


"Don't touch me!" Beyoncé yelled.

" the fuck wrong with you" he said.

"We got a problem over here bro?" You said with your gun hanging from your side.

You had got out the car when you seen the dude grab Beyoncé.  The guy looked at you seeing the gun you had. He took a step back before shaking his head no.

"Naw we good" he said.


"I had a baby. When I was there with hank. I didn't know who the father was but I loved him so much and when he was born hank took him. I only spent an hour with my son" Beyoncé Said while she laid in Your bed looking at the picture book of Your daughter.

"I can probably try to look for him and see who have him" You said.

" he's dead. Hank suffocated him then cremated him" Beyoncé said wiping the tear that was sliding down her face.

"Beyoncé. I'm sorry" you said pulling her into your side for a hug.

" I hate when I remember all this shit! I just want to forget about my time being there" she cried.

You just rubbed Her back as she cried. Bey looked at You, just studying your face.

"Make me forget please" Beyoncé said as she sat up, throwing her leg over to straddle you.

"Beyoncé. I'm..... I can't"

Bey cut you off by kissing your lips. She really wanted to forget and she thought You could make her forget all about it.

"Please. I'm on birth control" she Said.

"Beyoncé you're going to regret this" you said.

"I won't. I promise" she said taking off her shirt.

Beyoncé didn't have a bra on so Your eyes went right to her breast. She had some nice titties and they looked so amazing. It's been awhile for You so you wasn't going to deny what was in front of you.


1 month later

"Bey you're young. You're not ready to settle down yet" You said.

"But I am. I know I want to be with you" Beyoncé said as she stood in front of You.

"Bey. I'm 25 with a child and you're only 19" You said.

"I'll be 20 tomorrow! I know what I want and I want you. I never felt this way for anyone ever" she said.

Beyoncé walked closer to You wrapping her arms around your neck. Your hands instantly going to her waist out of habit. Bey leaned up until her lips met Yours.

"I-I think we belong together" she Said.

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