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"Y/N get up and come help us put up the groceries!" Nicki yelled.

"Noooo" you whined from the couch.

" come on we need your height" Bey said as she started taking the bags out the cart.

" I'll take the cart back down the hall"  You said.

" get your lazy ass up and come help nigga" Nicki said jumping on you.

"You just want to touch me" you said smirking.

" boy please, that's all Bey" Nicki said walking in the kitchen with You behind her.

" yeah Bey definitely like touching up on me too" you said tapping her ass when you walked passed her to put the cookies up.

"Oh please you like when I touch you..... I mean that's what you were saying last night" Beyoncé said.

" wowwwwwwww" Nicki laughed.

" yo shut up"You blushed.

After the three of y'all was done putting up the groceries y'all headed towards the living room. Wanting some attention from Bey, you sat down pulling her in your lap. The two of you wasn't dating, just friends with benefits.

" who's cooking tonight? I'll help" You asked as you rubbed on Beyoncé's thighs.

" nobody's cooking Y/N, it's noodles in there" Nicki said.

" blahhhh" You said.

" well I can bring you something when I come back?" Bey suggested.

" where you going?" You asked.

" I got a date" she said looking at You .

When Beyoncé said that Nicki got up going to her room. Of course she knew but she didn't want to get in the middle.

"A date??"

" yeah..... I actually have to start getting ready" she said.

"Why didn't you tell me about this date?" You asked following Bey to her room.

It stung a little when Beyoncé mentioned a date. That mean you had competition and you didn't like that because you wanted Bey all to yourself.

" i- Y/N i just didn't know how to tell you" she said going in her closet.

You flopped down on her bed watching her get ready.

" do I know her?" You asked.

Beyoncé looked at You giving you a "I'm sorry look".

" who?.....Bey don't tell me it's who I think it is" you said sitting up.

" I'm sorryyyy, we were talking and she just asked me" Beyoncé said.

" Ruby out of all the people in this damn world"

You and Ruby didn't get along, Ruby always thought she was better than You ( which she isn't)

" I know that hoe going to enjoy this and try to rub it in my face" You said.

" we're not dating Y/N. And it's just a date" Beyoncé said.


" Nicki text her and see what she's doing. Ask her is she coming home soon" You said.

" well if you just tell her how you feel she wouldn't be going on a date idiot" Nicki said rolling her eyes.

" she was the one that came up with that whole friends with benefits shit so she made it pretty clear she didn't want a Relationship" You said checking your snap to see if she posted anything.

" can we get married if she ends up with Ruby?" You asked just joking around.

"nigga please"

You laughed out loud seeing Nicki's face expression.Hearing the door opened You jumped up, smiling when you seen Beyoncé walk in.

" how was it?" Nicki asked.

"It was amazing" she smiled.

"Tell me everything" She said pulling Bey to sit on the couch.

You rolled your eyes getting up when they started talking about the date.


"Come in" you said hearing a knock on the room door.

"Hey wassup" Bey said coming in your room.

She got in bed cuddling up to you, throwing her leg over your leg.

" you smell so good" she mumbled.

" yeah I bet" You mumbled.

" what's wrong?" Bey asked sitting up.

" I'm still stuck on the fact that you went out with her" You said bring it back up.

" Y/N! Seriously! What's the problem? It was just a date, one fucking date not marriage" Beyoncé said.

" you know I don't like her" You said.

" so I'm not suppose to talk to the people YOU don't like" Beyoncé said getting up.

You pulled Bey back down on the bed, hovering over her so she was trapped between you and the bed.

" I want you to be with me And only me Beyoncé but I guess Imma have to show you"

You crashed your lips into Beyoncé's drawing out a moan from her. You was quick pulling her night shorts off, Bey never went to bed with panties and a bra on so you had easy access. Wrapping your lips around one of her nipple while you played with the other ones.

"Y/N" Bey moaned out.

You sucked on her nipple a bit rough knowing she liked that. You let her nipple go with a pop before doing the same to the other.

" I want you to be my girl" you mumbled before you stood up off the bed taking your pants and boxers off.

Beyoncé looked at You as she played with herself and that just drove you crazy. Hovering back over her, you lined yourself up at her entrance slowly pushing pass her tight walls.

" oh my God" she moaned.

You leaned down kissing her lips as you gave her long but deep strokes. She started rolling her hips upwards trying to meet your thrust.

"Yes baby, just like that" Bey moaned as she wrapped her arms around you pulling You down on top of her.

"You my girl right?" You asked as you got a bit rougher.

" yes" she said.

"Say it" You said looking her in the eyes.

" yes I'm your girl, just yours baby" she moaned.

Feeling Beyoncé clench around you, you knew she was about to cum. Wrapping your hand around her throat as you pound into her guts.

"Yessssss" Beyoncé screamed as she came.

" my pussy" you mumbled as you came inside her.

Beyoncé pulled You down on top of her, wanting you to lay on her.

"Be my girlfriend" You mumbled.

" I'll love to" she said.

"Big jealous baby" she said with a smirk.

A/N: which imagines would y'all like to see as an actual book?

Beyoncé imagines(Vol.1)Where stories live. Discover now