Never Had A Bad Girl Part 4

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"You're seriously taking my car from me!?" Beyoncé asked her dad.

"Yes because after I told you to stop seeing that girl, you continued to do it. So no car, no, laptop, and no phone" he said.

"Do you not get the fact that I'm not a little girl anymore? You can't keep telling me what to do" Bey said.

Beyoncé had just got caught sneaking back in the house. She left around midnight, spent two hours with you before coming back home. And when she came back in the house she ran right into her dad when he was coming out the kitchen.

"Beyoncé you're only 17, you're still a child. My fucking child at that!" He said.

"Yeah I wish I wasn't" she said walking away from him, ignoring him as he kept calling her.

Beyoncé went up to her room slamming and locking the door.


"I still honestly don't know what you see in her" Nicki said to Bey.

"Nicki I'm really sick of hearing you say the same shit. She's my girlfriend, not yours" Bey said fed up with her best friend.

" I'm just saying Bey. She sells drugs for a living. all she's good for is giving dick and she's fine with that because girls like her fuck bitches over" Nicki said getting upset.

"How do you know that!? You don't even know her Nicki. You're being judgmental"

Beyoncé and Nicki sat in the school garden together. They always sat there after school before they went their separate ways at 3. Bey had the math club and Nicki went to the drama club.

"It's not judgmental when you're stating facts"

"And again I ask, how do you know that?" Beyoncé asked.

"Because I used to talk to her Beyoncé . Remember my rich so call boyfriend I told you about but you never saw him? It was actually Y/N, she was my girlfriend" Nicki said, finally letting it out.

"Your girlfriend? Nicole 4 months ago you were hyping me on to talk to her at the party" Bey said confused.

"Yeah and that was a big mistake, I didn't think you'll do it or she'll even like you. I just bumped you into her to see if she'll notice me...... she just stopped talking to me" she said.

"So that's why you don't want me talking to her" Beyoncé chuckled.

Beyoncé stood up grabbing her bag off the floor.

"Well thank you Nicki for giving me the courage to talk to her because now I can't get enough of that girl" she said before walking away.


Beyoncé never stayed at school for practice, she ended up catching the bus all the way to the north side but she had to walk the rest of the way to your house because no buses ran that way. Beyoncé walked passed a couple of guys and one of the guys smacked her ass.

"Damn mami, you thick as fuck" the guy said.

"Fuck you! Don't fucking disrespect me" Beyoncé snapped.

"Wait hold up bitch, who you talking to like that?" The guy said.

"Man you betta leave that girl alone before 12 be on yo ass" another guy said.

"Man fuck them pigs"

Beyoncé stepped back when the guy got too close to her. Clarence had just made a drop and was on his way back home. He turned the block and that's when he seen the dude in Beyoncé's face. Clarence stopped his car in the middle of the street and got out.

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