Step Kids

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"Bey I don't think I can watch them by myself" You said.

"When you married me, my kids became your kids. It's your duty as a mother to take care of them when I'm gone" Bey said getting ready for work.

"How long they got you working?" You asked.

Beyoncé chuckled as she looked at her wife.

"I get off at 8am" Bey said.

"And I gotta fix them breakfast too?"

"You'll be fine baby, I'll tell Megan to help you" Beyoncé said grabbing her purse.

"That girl don't like me" You said running your hand over your face.

Beyoncé walked out her room down the hall to Megan's room.

"Hey I'm leaving for work and please help Y/N out" Bey said to her oldest.

"K" Megan mumbled.

"You sure you can't call off?" You asked when Bey came out of Megan's room.

"We literally just got back from our honeymoon" she said walking down the stairs.

You and Beyoncé been together for three years and been engaged for one year. Y'all met back when You was just starting your fighting career, you ended up fracturing your collar bone during a street fight and Beyoncé was the doctor that treated you.

"Hey you two, I'm leaving for work" Bey said to her two youngest.

"Can I stay up and play my game?" Jason asked.

"No" She said before walking out the door.

You walked Beyoncé out to her car, opening the door for her.

"Ten grand to stay home" You offered.

"Nooooo" Bey said kissing Your lips before getting in her car.


"Y/N I'm hungry" Megan said coming in your office with her siblings behind her.

"Ok. What y'all wanna eat?" You asked.

All three kids shouting out something different. You knew you wasn't ready for this, you don't know how your wife put up with this.

"Can we all agree on one thing?" You asked.

"I'm the oldest so I gets to pick" Megan said.

"Nooooooo, that's not fairrrr" Chloe whined as she started to cry.

"Because I'm the only boy I never get a say so" Jason said crossing his arms.

You sat there stuck with all this chaos in front of you.

"We gone figure something out" You said.

But that wasn't good enough for them.

" Chloe if you're gonna continue to cry like a big baby go to your room" Megan said.

"Leave me alone!" Chloe said before she ran out the room.

"Better be stomping to that room!" Megan said following Chloe.

Beyoncé imagines(Vol.1)Where stories live. Discover now