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" you sure she's not gonna want to kill  me?" Quinn asked Beyoncé.

" no...well I don't know" Bey said as she walked around the house in her shorts and bra.

Beyoncé set up the camera hiding it on the shelf, making sure it was aimed towards the couch. You and Bey is a YouTube couple and today Bey was doing a " cheating on you with your best friend prank" she stayed home today  calling Quinn over to help her.

" she should be home soon, she said that she was dropping her mom off.

Quinn and Beyoncé just sat on the couch watching tv until they heard the car door shut. Beyoncé hoped on top of Quinn's lap wrapping her arms around her neck, her hair felled down covering their face so you wouldn't know if they were kissing or not.

"You forgot to press play or the cameras" Quinn said.

"It's fine they been recording for the last 45 minutes, imma have to edit". Beyoncé said seeing you walking towards the door through the window.

"Hey Bey " You called out as you dropped some bag by the door.

Not hearing an answer back you went towards the living room.

" bey- WHAT THE FUCK! HELL NAW MAN!"  You yelled pushing Beyoncé off Quinn.

"What the fuck y'all doing" you said walking over to them.

"Baby it's not what it looks like" Beyoncé said as she stood up.

" that's my fucking best friend! And you just gonna fuck my girl!" You said charging at Quinn .

You wrapped your arm around Quinn's neck choking her. Bey ran over to You pulling you off Quinn .

"Bae, it's a prank" Bey said.

"Come on Satan let me go, it's a prank" Quinn said.

" Y/N the camera is right over there" Bey said laughing.

"Y'all really tryna get killed" You said letting Quinn go.


You had planned to get Bey back, you called up two of your friends from the gym to help you out. They were big tall guys and perfect for the prank. You had it all set up, setting up the body cam for John and peter, put a hidden camera in the car trunk and one in the house.

"Alright so I'm going to park behind the restaurant to make it easier, and you come and just make it seem like you hit me and she might run so peter can grab her. And just throw her in the trunk and drive to my house and I'll be behind you guys" You explained.


"Gosh I'm full, why did you park all the way back here"Beyoncé whined.

"To burn some of the food off" you chuckled as you held Beyoncé's hand.

Beyoncé didn't even notice the two guys behind y'all , John came up behind y'all playfully hitting You in the head with a fake gun causing You to fall on the ground playing like you passed out. Thinking Beyoncé would run, she just stood there stocked. She only started screaming when she was picked up by peter, hitting him on the back but that didn't do anything. You watched as peter put Bey in The trunk, getting up laughing you grabbed Beyoncé bag before you ran to your car.

"Let me out!" Beyoncé screamed scared for her life.

" please" she cried as she banged on everything.

Beyoncé cried in the trunk, she had dropped her bag in the parking lot. She couldn't believe she just got kidnap, she started kicking a screaming again. When they pulled up at home You got out the car grabbing the camera before opening the trunk.

"Baby, we home" You said laughing.

"It was a prank" you said.

Beyoncé got out the trunk pushing you out the way walking straight pass You towards the front door. You thanked your friends, grabbing their body cams before walking in the house.

"Bey" you called out.

"Leave me alone and turn that damn camera off!" Beyoncé said coming out in the hallway crying.

You did as your girlfriend said and turned all the camera off before walking in the room you shared with Beyoncé.


"Leave me alone Y/N , that wasn't funny at all. That scared the shit out of me!" Bey said wiping under her eyes.

" bey, come on don't be like that" You said grabbing Her hand.

" you're sleeping on the couch tonight and I'm not playing" Beyoncé said pushing away from You.

" it was a prankkkkkkk" you said.

"Get the fuck out my face"She said getting up leaving towards the bathroom.

Beyoncé imagines(Vol.1)Where stories live. Discover now