Vladimir Academy

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Today students were being assigned to their mentors, where they'll learn to control their powers, be efficient with their hand signs and spells, to become stronger mentally and physically. Each mentor will be given 6 students which they'll have to train. As the students started flooding in the common hall as they wait for the head master Kirova. You stood in the mirror looking at yourself, you didn't like the uniform not one bit. Black slacks, white button up, and a black vest.

You looked up when you heard the restroom door open, two white girls walking in.

"Hi" they said smiling at you.

You looked at them before walking out the restroom. You had no interest in becoming friends with anyone here.


"I don't understand why I have to be in this group! I'm more stronger than anybody in this group!" Aaron said.

This kid was already getting on your nerves and it's only been 6 minutes. You couldn't stand people who thought they were better than anybody.

" I beg to differ, you're definitely not the strongest here" professor Dean said as she laughed.

You chuckled to yourself, keeping a straight face as you did so. Her laugh was weird and it made you laugh.

"Is that a challenge?" Aaron asked.

"I'll have you crawling back to your mommy little boy. I'm the last person you wanna go against" professor Dean said showing her fangs.

Aaron eyes went wide before he sat down, looking the other way as professor stared at him.

"Ok now that's we've got that out the way. My name is professor Dean, I'll be your mentor for the year. I do not tolerate the weak and failure isn't an option. I have very high standards and they will be met.

"Now introduce yourself" she said.

"I'll go first. I'm Aaron, I'm the first in my family to attend Vladimir academy. I don't mind a challenge and I'll never back down" he said.

"Hey everyone! I'm Nicole and I'm soooo excited to be here, among others with amazing abilities. Hopefully I'll gain more control of my powers while I'm head"

You groaned as the girl kept going on and on, her voice was very annoying to your ears.

"Ok, how about someone else" professor said stopping Nicole from rambling.

"I'm Beyoncé...... most of you probably know me since I'm the daughter of master Kirova" she said.

"Neck long as fuck" you said to yourself.

Beyoncé glared at you and you sat up a bit, her eyes making you uncomfortable. After everyone went, you were the last one to go.

" I'm Y/N" you said.

"That's it?" Raven asked.

You shrugged your shoulders at her.

"I don't know professor Dean, should we have a trader on our time?" Kevin asked looking at you.

You knew someone would bring it up sooner or later.

"Trader? Who's the trader?" Nicole asked.

"It's Y/N. She killed half of the Nobs clan" he said.

"Kevin if you're gonna give information out like that make sure it's the correct information" Beyoncé said stepping in.

"It was her mom so I'm pretty sure she was apart of it!" He said.

"Are you done with your bitchin?" You asked.

"What did you just say to me?" Kevin asked as he stood up.

"I never repeat myself"

You were so quick your comrades didn't even pick up on your movement. In an instant you were standing behind Kevin with a blade towards his neck.

"You wanna keep talking about my mama or do I have to shut you up"

"Ok Y/N that's enough"


You were walked to your assigned room, where you'll be staying for the year. Finally getting to your room at the end of the hall you had to use magic to break the seal.

"I see that we're neighbors" Beyoncé said leaning on her door frame.

You turned your head to the side seeing Beyoncé standing there. she now had on some shorts and a T-shirt. Your eyes went straight to her titties.

"Damn"  you said to yourself.

"eyes up here Perve" Beyoncé chuckled.

"Cover them up, maybe I won't look" you said before walking in your room.

You locked the door behind up, just as you did so your mark on your back started to throb. It was a cruse mark your mother put on you before she went on her rampage. Your mother suffered with schizophrenia, believing people was after her and her family. She started to lose her mind little by little since she discovered "the Lord's dark art book"  you were only 9 when she gave you the lords dark art curse. Now the blood of the dark Lord nezzy run through your veins. It throbbed every now and then but you thought it was worth the power.


"I still can't believe the council expected her in the academy" Kelly said.

"My dad used to fight side by side with her dad. I tried reading his mind but he's always blocking me out" Beyoncé said.

"I wish I could block you out" Kelly said.

"I don't even try to read your thoughts on purpose, sometimes it's too loud and I have no choice but to hear it" Beyoncé said.

"I know. I seen your brother, that boy still chasing after them bitches when I'm standing right here" Kelly said.

"He's a fool" Beyoncé chuckled.

Beyoncé stopped laughing when she heard crying.

"You hear that?" Beyoncé asked.

Kelly stopped talking to see if she heard anything but she didn't.

Beyoncé closed her eyes to listen very carefully. That's when she realized whoever it was wasn't crying physically but mentally.She wasn't all that strong when it came to pin pointing who the thought is actually from unless she was in the same room as them.

"That's crazy" she mumbled.

"What's crazy?" Kelly asked.

" I heard someone crying" she said.

"But it's nothing" she said.

Beyoncé imagines(Vol.1)Where stories live. Discover now