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"Breaking up with me!? Why? We still can be together" Beyoncé said with tears in her eyes.

" we can't Bey. I don't want to hold you back" You said looking at Bey.

You didn't want to see Bey cry, you didn't want to break her heart but you were leaving off for the army and You didn't want her waiting around for you.

"You're not going to hold me back. Y/N please don't do this" Bey cried.

You pulled Beyoncé in for a hug holding her tight. Beyoncé held onto you as she cried her eyes out. You was Bey first everything and it killed her to know that you was breaking up with her.

"Don't go please" she cried.

"Bey I leave tonight" you said.

Beyoncé pulled her girlfriend... well her ex down for a long kiss.

"I love you so much Y/N . Stay safe please" she said.


1 year later

You were finally back home after being discharged from the army when you were shot 3 times and almost burned alive. You was in the hospital for almost 3 months healing. You had been out all day picking up a few things for your new apartment. Your parents thought you didn't need your own apartment since you was still young plus your injuries but you wanted to experience on your own.

"Kamari sit down" Beyoncé said to her one year old son.

"That. Mommy, that" he said pointing at the toy.

"You have a bunch of toys already" Bey Said.

Kamari wasn't satisfied. If he couldn't get the toy he wanted then he wasn't going to sit down in the cart. Kamari stood up in the seat trying to climb out the cart.

" I swear you're so hardheaded" Bey said letting Kamari down.

Beyoncé held his hand as they walked down aisle. Bey stopped right in her tracks when she seen You at the end of the aisle. She stood there froze not knowing what to do, the person that had half her heart stood right in front of her.

"Ma!" Kamari said pointing towards you . He knew who you was because Beyoncé showed him pictures of you. Kamari was a smart baby. Beyoncé was surprised when Mari took off running down the aisle.

"Mari!" Beyoncé shouted going after the little boy.

"Woah" you said when you felt something crash into your legs.

You looked down seeing the little boy. You looked up seeing Bey and you was shocked at first.  You looked at Beyoncé then at the little boy.

"Ma!" Kamari said looking at You.

The more You stared at the little boy the more you seen yourself in him.

"T-this my son?" You asked still looking at the little boy.

" i wanted to tell you but I had no way in contacting you" Bey said feeling the tears form in her eyes.

"hey don't cry tinker bell" You said.

Beyoncé heart bursted when You called her the old nick name you gave her back in middle school. A name you always used.

" I missed you so much" Beyoncé cried.

"sad" Kamari said to You pointing at his mom.

You pulled Beyoncé into a hug kissing the top of her head. You had so much catching up to do with your son and Beyoncé, hoping that she haven't moved on.


"He's so hyper" you said as you watched your son sleep in your arms.

"Yeah he's a ball of energy" bey said smiling at You and y'all son.

"How long are you down here for?" She asked.

"I'm not going back. Got shot 3 times and almost burnt alive" You said lifting up your shirt showing Beyoncé the nasty burn that covered you side.

"Oh my god baby"

"It's healing up pretty well.

"When is his birthday? Is he allergic to anything?" Your asked.

" I actually had him the day after my birthday. I guess In some sort of way he was my birthday gift from you.....if that make sense. And he's allergic to staying in one spot, the boy never stay still" she rambled.

"right after yours? Damn that's work for me" You laughed.

"I-if you want you can take him for a few days. At first I thought he'll need time to warm up to you but I guess not"

"Um I just got a new apartment and I still haven't unpacked. And I don't want him getting into a lot of things that isn't baby proof. But could I take him to go see my parents?" You asked.

" oh ok, well you can spend time with him over here until you're done with your apartment. And yeah sure go ahead" Bey said smiling at You.

"I can't believe I have a little family"

You looked over at Bey before grabbing her hand with your free one.

" I know I broke your heart a year ago and Im sorry for that,I truly am. I couldn't stop thinking about you, I couldn't move on from you. I love you so Fucking much and now that this little bean is here I love the both of you....and if you'll give me another chance I'll like to prove myself" you said.

"No. You don't have to prove yourself baby, I love you too and I never stopped. I'm so glad that you're back because my love for you never died" Beyoncé Said before she leaned over kissing Your lips.

Beyoncé imagines(Vol.1)Where stories live. Discover now