Texas Baby part 2

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"Yo where the fuck you going with these bell bottoms? You goin to a house party not to saddle up horses" you laughed.

"What's wrong with these?" Bey asked.

"Yo ass definitely on fat but them bells......Uhn, Uhn" you said.

"Don't do Ha like that. Let's see what chu got in here" Kelly said.

Beyoncé dad was gone on a business trip so you and Kelly decided to take Beyoncé out to a house party.

"Let me see cuz I definitely can help" you said.

"Sit down Y/N" Kelly said.

It didn't take long for Kelly to find something for Beyoncé to wear. But you couldn't stop looking at her ass. You had Kelly to drive your car just so you could mess with Bey, you let her sit in the passenger seat while you sat behind her.

"Who you textin cuz it ain't me" you said looking over her shoulder.

"My girlfriend" bey lied.

"Girlfriendddd!??" You said with a stank look even though she couldn't see you.

"Yep" she said with a smirk.

Taking Beyoncé off guard, you wrapped your hand around her throat. Bey knew that you liked her but she never brought it just enjoying the attention you gave her.

"Y/N!" Kelly laughed as she glanced at Beyoncé's face.

"Stop playing with me before I fuck you up in this car" you said letting her go.

Beyoncé was dying up in the front, she couldn't stop herself from laughing.

"Y/N you ain't my girlfriend" she chuckled.

"So what" you said.


Getting to the party, you stayed in your car smoking since Beyoncé and Kelly didn't. You seen Henry knocking on your window asking to hit your joint since he smelled it outside. You sat there ignoring his beggin ass, he couldn't see inside your car unless he put his face to the window. And boy when he put his hands on your window, you reached for your gun on the side of you rolling down your window.

"Get the fuck off my car nigga" you said pointing the gun at him.

That was one of you pet peeves, when somebody smudge up your window.

"Bruh chill, put that up" Henry said to you.

You opened your door before rolling your window back up.

"Clean that off man" you getting out.

Watching him clean your window you put your gun up before closing and locking your door. You gave Henry what was left of your joint before walking away to find Bey and Kelly. You walked up towards them, taking Beyoncé's cup outta her hand.

"I knew you were going to do that" Bey said to you.

"Bout time you came, gotta go find somebody son to play with" Kelly said leaving.

" you bet not leave me"Beyoncé said.

"Give me a reason to stay" you said drinking the liquor.

" I don't need a reason, you gone stay because I told you to" Beyoncé said with a raised eyebrow.

You smirked at Bey liking the way she spoke to you.

"Now you know I wouldn't do that to you cowgirl" you smiled.

Beyoncé pulled you with her to go get another drink. You stood behind bey as she filled y'all cups up.

"Why you so thick though" you said in her ear.

"That's something you gotta ask my mama" bey said giving the drink to you.

"So this you now?" Star asked you, pointing to Beyoncé.

Star was some girl you used to fuck with. She wasn't even your girlfriend and the bitch always used to trip on you.

"Don't blow my high man" you said.

"Y/N don't play with me" she said pointing a finger at you.

"Go find somebody else to play with" Star said to Beyoncé.

Beyoncé laughed at the girl before pulling you away.

"Bitches is very bold her" Beyoncé said.

" you wanna get outta here? We can go back to yo crib" you suggested.


As you and Beyoncé was walking out, you grabbed Henry when you saw him.

"Make sure Kelly gets a ride home and tell me who she leaves with" you said.



"Who was that girl at the party?" Beyoncé asked from the bathroom.

"Some girl I used to fuck with" you said laying on Beyoncé's bed feeling a little buzz.

"Yo dick that good huh?" Beyoncé chuckled coming out the bathroom.

"I always can give you a one month trial" you said with a smirk.

Beyoncé smirked at you before she got in bed.

"When you gonna let me take you out on a date?" You asked.

"You just wanna fuck or actually date me?" Bey asked.

"Date you of course, you so fine" you said sitting up.

Beyoncé looked at you before she leaned in kissing your lips. You kissed her back but you definitely wanted more. You pulled Beyoncé until she was on top of you straddling your lap.

"You ready for that free trial now?" You asked.

" no" bey said moving off you.

Beyoncé is a virgin and she definitely wasn't ready to have sex with you but she didn't want to tell you.

" just come cuddle with me" she said.

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