Military School

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You stuck your middle finger at your step dad as the bus drove off from in front of your house. Ever since your mom died when you were 10 it's been down hill for you. You were stuck being raised by the softest man on earth, your step dad had no balls and it made it really easy to walk all over him. You've been detained twice for stealing and vandalism and at 18 you hit your last strike so the judge gave your step dad a choice to either keep you on house arrest for 6 months or send you to military school, plus a 5000 fine. And even though you were of age she gave you no say so in any decision making and since your step dad couldn't cope with the fact of having you around all day
24/ 7, he sent your ass to military school. The school looked like a damn prison, you sucked your teeth when you seen some kids wearing uniform. Getting off the bus, you and the other kids walked in a straight line inside the building. They took you all to a room while waiting.

"At ease" Beyoncé said walking inside the room.

Most stopped talking while you and a few others kept talking.

"I said at ease!" Bey said putting a little bass in her voice.

Finally getting everyone's attention Beyoncé carried on with what she was about to say.

" I'm captain Knowles, I'll be in charge of you until your worthless ass prove you have thee competent in going back out to the real world so get used to seeing this face. And so help me God if one of you call me mommy I will smoke you from sun up to sun down" she said with a straight face.

"What about daddy?" You asked with a smirk making a few laugh.

"Don't test me private" Bey said sending a death glare your way.

Beyoncé explained more details that needed to be said before she went around the room collecting phones.

"You'll have to earn the privilege of a phone by completing daily tasks you are assigned" she said.

"Go ahead and just put your number in there while you have it baby" you said handing your phone over to her.

Beyoncé dropped your phone on the floor before she stomped on it, breaking your phone.

"Now you have no phone privileges" Bey said.

"Lady you better hope I backed everything up on my iCloud" you said.

Beyoncé walked away leaving your broke phone at your feet.


Beyoncé realized you were going to be a problem for her but she didn't mind breaking you down. As she assigned rooms she gave you the closest one to her suite.

"Oh so I get the room near you so we can play a little tag at night" you smirked as you and Bey walked further down the hall.

Beyoncé elbowed you in the stomach causing you to double over, leaning on your bag.

"Fuck" you groaned.

"The next one will be to the face" Beyoncé said before she showed you your room.

"Get settled in and then at 1700 meet me down in the chow room"She said before closing the door.

"The fuck is 1700" you said to yourself.

You took out your clothes putting them away before you laid on your bed falling asleep. Missing chow time, when Beyoncé went passing out gear you was nowhere to be found.

"Y/L/N" Bey called out but not getting an answer.

Beyoncé scanned the room noticing you wasn't here. She took note of that before she moved on.

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