Class clown

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You walked in class late yet again, not even caring that your teacher was looking at you.

"Y/N you're late again" Beyoncé said.

" I'm aware of that Ms.Knowles" you said taking a seat at your desk.

There was always assigned seats in Beyoncé's class and yours was right by her desk.

" clearly you're not if you keep coming to class late" Beyoncé said.

" clearly you either need some dick or a hug and I can supply both" you said making the class laugh.

" yeah? And now it looks like you need a passing grade in my class to graduate" Bey threw back.

" wow. You petty Ms.Knowles, I was only joking with you" you said.

" do I look like one of your friends to be joking with!? I'm your teacher" she said.

" and I'm a student so let's play out this fantasy"

Beyoncé was really sick of you, she went through this everyday with you. Nothing changed, she'll put up with your bull shit all the time.

" shut up Y/N" Bey said rolling her eyes.

" yes daddy" you chuckled.

Beyoncé walked around passing out a work sheet for her class to do before she went back to her desk. You were doing your work until one of your friends threw a note at you. You looked over at Beyoncé before scooting down in your chair you placed your foot on top of the note dragging it towards you.

" give it here" Bey said when you picked the note up.

" give you what? My work? I'm not done" you said.

" you know what I'm talking about Y/N" Bey said.

" it's just a note" you said.

" how about you read it out loud" She suggested.

" oh come on Ms.Knowles" you groaned.

" go ahead. Stand up" she said.

"Class Y/N have something to share with you all"

You stood from your seat before opening the note. And since it was your first time seeing it you read over it first. It was just Aaron asking you if you wanted to smoke after school but you decided to have some fun.

" do I have to?" You asked.

" yes, go on" she said.

You looked up at the class, making eye contact with Aaron before giving him a smirk.

"Ms.Knowles do you like me yes or no" you read causing the class to laugh.

Beyoncé had about enough with you, pulling out the detention slips she gave you 5.

" starting after school today" she said.

"5!? Is that necessary?"

" very" she said.


Walking in Beyoncé's classroom you sat at your seat putting your head down.

" oh no. This is detention not nap time" Bey said holding a packet out for you.

" I don't wanna" you whined.

" oh hush and stop whining" Beyoncé said.

" I honestly don't want to be here"

" well you should've thought about that before you started acting like a jackass in my class" She said.

" you want me....that's why you bother me so much" you said smirking.

"Want you??? Ha! You can't do nothing for me" Beyoncé said.

" I can do a lot for you if you'll give me a chance Ms.Knowles" you said.

" honey you wouldn't know what to do with if you had the chance" Bey said.

" I like that. Keep that same energy when I'm deep in your organs tonight" you said.'

" you're something else ya know" Bey said shaking her head.


A/N: think y'all getting in them organs?🤣

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