Basketball camp

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"Do you have your bags packed?" Beyoncé asked you.

"Huh? What bag?" You said too focused in your game.

Bey stepped in front of the tv blocking Your view.

"Come on baeeeeee" You whined said.

"Go pack your bags now, we have to leave 5 in the morning" Beyoncé said.

"What do I get if I do it?" You asked with a smirk.

"Not a damn fucking thing Y/N" Bey said.

Beyoncé was staying over at your house to make sure you packed everything since you was so careless, plus you were her ride.


"Y/L/N ! Pull your damn pants up, nobody wants to see your Snoopy boxers" coach Henry said.

"She does" You Said pointing to Beyoncé.

"Y/N " Beyoncé said giving you a stern look.

"Ok, ok" You said getting on the bus.

"Saved you and Bey the spot right behind me and Taylor "Your best friend jenna said.

" thanks" you said before sitting down waiting for your girlfriend.

"Alright you guys when you hear your name say here" Beyoncé said holding a list

After all the names was called You stood up on the seat in the back.

"You didn't call me" You said with your hand raised.

"Everyone knows you're here Y/L/N now get your ass down" coach said.

"Wherever Beyoncé at Y/N is right behind Her" Erica said.

"Got a problem with that?" You said.

"You really wanna start" Erica said standing up.

"Hey, Hey. Baby come on sit down" Beyoncé said stepping in front of You.

"I fucking hate her dude" You said flopping down in your seat.

"Yeah I know baby" Bey said kissing Your cheek.

"We can jump her at the end of camp" Jenna said.

"That's not happening, well unless you two want to be kicked off the team" Taylor said.

She's just trying to get back with Bey again" Jenna said

You looked at your girlfriend before  grabbing Beyoncé's face turning it towards her.

"You're mines and only mines, nobody but me can have you. You understand?" You said.

"Yes baby" Beyoncé said said blushing.

"Why don't you be that aggressive with me Jenna?" Taylor asked turning around.


"So we just go pick our own cabin?" You asked your coach.

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