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"Mommy BeBe can you stay tonight and sleep with me?" Laylani asked.

"I'm sorry baby but I have to go in the studio tonight" Beyoncé said looking at the little girl in the back seat.

" can I come with you? I can sleep on the couch" Lani suggested.

"Another time princess" Beyoncé said.

Getting to Your house Beyoncé got out before letting Laylani  out.

" yay mama home" Lani said running to the door.

Beyoncé got to the door unlocking it with her key. Lani ran straight in the house as soon  the door was opened.

"Woah Princess slow down" Aaron said catching Lani when she ran into him.

"Mommy!" Laylani yelled.

" I'm right here baby" Beyoncé said sitting her keys in the key bowl.

" what's the matter baby? How was school?" Aaron asked picking Lani up.

Lani didn't want to be in her uncle arms, she wanted her mama.

"It was good" she mumbled.

Laylani wiggles out of her uncles arm before running behind bey.

" well hello ms. Y/L/N" Beyoncé said walking into your office.

" wassup baby" You said smiling at Bey.

Beyoncé walked over to you pecking your lips.

"Mama!" Lani yelled running in your office.

" there goes my princess" You said smiling at your daughter when she jumped on your lap.

"How was school baby?" You asked.

" it was good, I got a purple today" Laylani said with a smile.

" you didn't tell me that lady bug" Aaron said standing at the door.

Laylani hid her face in the crook of your neck. You chuckled as you rubbed your daughter's back.

" so what's the plan for tonight? Am I watching princess Lani?" Aaron asked.

" you made any plans babe?" Beyoncé asked.

" I just got to go to the office for a few hours and I'll be back here" You said.

" I'm getting out the studio late tonight" Beyoncé said.

" but you're gonna be back over here right?" You asked.

" man you know ya girl gonna be back over here, she practically live here" Aaron chuckled.

" mama can I come with you please, I'll be quiet" she said.

" no baby, you're gonna stay here with uncle Aaron. I'll be back before bed time" You said kissing her forehead.


"Princess come over here and Watch tv with me" Aaron said patting his lap.

" I want to play with my dolls" Laylani said.

" play with them later, come on" he said.

"I don't want to" Lani said.

" what did I say Laylani"

Laylani stood up off the floor, tears already flooding her eyes. She slowly walked over to her uncle before he grabbed her sitting her on his lap.

Beyoncé imagines(Vol.1)Where stories live. Discover now