Double life part 2

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Beyoncé still haven't told You that she was pregnant and she honestly didn't want to. She wasn't about to continue to be your side piece, she needed someone that's going to be just hers and hers only.

" hey little girl it's time for bed" Beyoncé said peeking her head in her room.

Beyoncé was trying to keep away from You, she was done with you. So while Kenzie and You watched a movie in her room she stayed in the living room.

" nooo" Kenzie whined.

" ask mama to get you ready for bed" Bey said before walking away.

" come on princess you heard mommy" You said picking your daughter up walking inside the bathroom.

" which bath bomb do you want?" You asked your daughter.

" the unicorn one!" She shouted.

" ok but not the whole thing" you said starting the water.

Once You had your daughter in the tub you brought some of her toys out so she could play.

" hey I'm gonna go and talk to mommy, can you be a big girl and stAy in here by yourself?" You asked your daughter.

" yes! Mommy let my bathe myself" she said.

" ok baby. I'll be back"

You went downstairs to the living room seeing Beyoncé watching some crime show. Walking up behind her you kissed Her neck.

" come on now move" Bey said pushing You away.

" wassup with you man? You been acting stank all day" You pointed out.

" I don't want you kissing or touching up on me, save that shit for your WIFE" Beyoncé said emphasizing the word wife.

" what? Are you being serious right now?" You said moving so you was standing in front of Her.

"Very" Beyoncé said turning her attention back to the tv.

You was about to say something but McKenzie shouted for you.


"Have a good day at school baby, I love you" Bey said kissing her forehead.

"Love you too mommy" Kenzie said walking inside the School.

Beyoncé walked back to her car planning on stopping somewhere to get food because her and the baby wAs starving.

" ugh" Bey said rolling her eyes as she seen another text from You.

She ignored it like she did all the other ones. Once Bey had her food she drove home, eating her food on the way.

" this Fucking girl" Beyoncé mumbled to herself as she pulled up and seen Your car.

She grabbed her trash and purse before walking towards the door. You looked towards the door when you heard the locks.

" we need to talk" You said.

" I don't wanna talk" Beyoncé said walking in the kitchen.

" man tighten up! We fucking talking" You said following Bey.

" what do you want Y/N!?" Beyoncé asked slamming her hand down on the counter.

" so you don't wanna fuck with me no more? What happened?" You asked.

"YOU DONT WANT TO FUCK WITH ME!!" Beyoncé shouted.

" I need someone that's going to be mines and mines only. I'm tired of sharing and I'm definitely tired of being your side fuck" Beyoncé said.

" Beyoncé you knew what you was getting yourself into 4 years ago when I told you I was married. And you not my side fuck" You said.

" yeah and it was the stupidest choice I ever made....... me and Kenzie moving to California" Beyoncé finally said.

"No the fuck you not. How you just gonna plan some shit like that? That's my daughter too, you not taking my daughter" you said.

" we can work something out but I can't stay here knowing you picked your wife over actually being a family with me and Kenzie" Beyoncé said wiping her tears.

" and we can work something out too
Bey, come on please" You said grabbing Beyoncé's hand pulling her towards you.

" no! Get off me! I'm serious,I can't keep doing this" She said walking out the kitchen.

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