Help me part 2

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"Y/N please just let me see him" Bey cried as she stood on Your porch.

"You come to me with papers saying you're clean and I'll let you see him" You said.

" what about over the phone or something?" Beyoncé asked wiping her eyes.

" I'll think about" you said looking at Bey.

" I love him, I really do" she said.

" if you love him then you'll get clean for him. He don't need his mama overdosing on cocaine" You said.

"O-ok I will"


"Mari come here, let me put your pants on" You said calling the little boy.

Kamari laughed at you before he took off in his walker down the hall.

" yeah if you wasn't in that walker you wouldn't have did that" You said going to get your son.

"Come here little boy" you said picking him up kissing his forehead.

Once you finally got Kamari dressed you took some pictures and videos of him acting goofy. You decided to send a picture to Bey.


Beyoncé kept herself locked away in the house, she knew if she was to go outside she'll end up at her plug doorsteps

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Beyoncé kept herself locked away in the house, she knew if she was to go outside she'll end up at her plug doorsteps. She haven't been sleeping and it was really taking a toll on her. Seeing the the picture You sent her a big smile grew on her face seeing her son face. Bey decided to call Your phone so she could actually see her son. When You seen that Beyoncé was FaceTiming you, you answered the call on your laptop sitting it in front of Kamari.

"Hi baby" Beyoncé smiled when her son popped up.

" ma!" He shouted out loud seeing Bey face.

" Mommy miss you so much baby boy" she said as she tried not to cry.

You looked at Bey from the side view and she looked worst since the day she was your door. She looked like she wasn't doing good.

" how you been?" You asked.

" I... I'm ok" she said not wanting to tell you what was actually going on.

" you sure?" You asked hearing the hesitation in her voice.

"Yeah. Thanks for asking" Beyoncé smiled.


Beyoncé laid on her bathroom floor sobbing as she bled out from her arms. Things were becoming very hard for her, she was having a bunch of withdrawals symptoms. Plenty of nights she didn't sleep, those voices was back in her head playing with her. She couldn't do this by herself, she knew that she was close to caving. You haven't heard from Beyoncé in two weeks and you was starting to worried. You sent her pictures and messages and she didn't reply to none so you had dropped Kamari off at your mom house before you drove to Beyoncé's apartment. Getting to her door you seen a notice on her door, taking it off you read the paper. She was late with rent, You unlocked the door using your key. As soon as you walked in you heard Beyoncé sobbing.

"Beyoncé you called out as you speed walk down the hall to her room.

Walking in her room towards the bathroom, you walked in seeing Beyoncé Laying on the floor and then the blood. It was a lot of blood.

"Shit" you said rushing to her side.

"Hey it's ok baby I got you" You said letting that word slip out.

You sat Beyoncé up before you reached under the cabinet to grab the first aid kit.

"I can't do it" She cried.

"It's ok Bey, I'm here" you said grabbing the peroxide pouring it over her cuts.?

You gently cleaned up her arms before wrapping them up. You picked her up taking her to her bed.

"What's going on Bey? Talk to me" You asked.

"I can't do this alone, I'm so close to giving In and I'm trying so hard for Kamari because I love him but it's getting harder for Me"she cried.

" I'm here now ok, you won't have to do this along anymore" you said wrapping your arms around Her.

Beyoncé held on to Your shirt as you hugged her.

" I'm gonna get you help and we're gonna get through this together ok?"

" mhmm" Beyoncé mumbled with her eyes closed.

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