Three Years Ago

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"What are we having for dinner babe?" Beyoncé asked her son who was laid up under her on her tablet.

"Mmm. Nuggets" Noah said.

"And Mac and cheese?" Beyoncé suggest.

"Yes" he smiled as he sat up.

Beyoncé got out the bed and Noah followed right behind her. Bey had a one night stand 3 years ago at an old friend's party. She ended up hooking up with her high school crush Y/F/N and boy did she regret it. After that night you never hit her up, she even tried reaching out to you when she found out she was pregnant but you never replied. You was too busy living your best life, you're a well known famous YouTuber.

"Noah you gonna to help me?" Bey asked taking the bag of chicken nuggets out the freezer.

"I put them in there?" Noah asked pointing at the oven.

"No baby, mommy don't want you getting burned" Beyoncé said grabbing the rest of the stuff she needed.

Beyoncé made the Mac and cheese first, letting Noah pour the cheese in before she sat him back on the counter. When the chicken nuggets were done, Bey took them out placing them on top of the stove. Noah wanted to touch the pan for some reason, just curious as hell. So when Bey turned her back to get the bowls for them, Noah reached over grabbing the pan but instantly dropped it when it burned his right hand. Beyoncé turned around when Noah started crying. Seeing him holding his hand she knew he touched the hot pan.

"Noah I told you not to touch it" Bey said looking at his hand.

Beyoncé moved him over to the sink to run cold water over his hand.

"It hwrt" Noah sniffled.

"I know baby" She said keeping his hand under the water.

Beyoncé sighed when she seen the blister form on his hand. She should've kept her eye on him. Bey picked Noah up, walking to the bathroom. She sat him on the toilet before she grabbed the first aid kit from under the sink. She carefully wrapped his hand before kissing it.

"Don't take this off ok?"



"Damn girl! Throwing all that ass on me" You said as you walked to the vip section,holding a bottle in your hand.

"Bruh you don't have to bring your own bottle" Sean laughed.

" I drink different" You said drinking out your bottle.

"How the hell they let you in with a damn bottle?" Travis asked.

"I get what I want" You said.

You walked over towards the railing, you leaned over to get some girl's attention.

"Come here baby.... and bring your friends too" You smiled.

Sean got up when he seen You calling some fine girls over.

"Two of them coming home with me tonight"Travis said looking at them as they walked up the stairs.

"We got drinks if y'all want some" You said before you wrapped your arm around the girl you wanted.

"What I gotta do to take you home with me?" You asked in her ear.


"Good morning Beyoncé" Henry said.

"Good morning sir" Bey said looking up from her computer.

Beyoncé imagines(Vol.1)Where stories live. Discover now