My Own part 4

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The doctor finally came back an hour later.

"Is she ok?" Beyoncé asked as soon as he walked in.

"The bullet hit her left artery in the heart and by God's grace we managed to stop the bleeding but she went three minutes without oxygen to the brain and we'll be waking her up shortly to see if she's functioning properly" he informed.

"A minute longer and she could've had brain damage" Bey mumbled.

"Well can we see her?" Brian asked.

"Right this way" the doctor said guiding them to your room.

It felt like someone was poking at your heart every time you breathe in. You were still out but you heard everything. When Beyoncé and Brian arrived, the doctor gave them privacy with you first before they'll come back and try to wake you.

"Do you think it'll be better to start looking for a new house? Because they know where we currently stay and I don't want that man coming back" Bey said.

"What man?" You said to yourself.

"Definitely because knowing your dad he'll be coming over there tomorrow, telling you how much he's sorry for trying to kill your fiancé" Brian said.


You wish you were up, you wanted to get up but it was like something was holding you down.

"I still can't believe they tried to kill her. They didn't think about how this would effect me and my son and they definitely didn't think about
Y/N's life...... I could've lost the love of my life" Beyoncé said.

"So they tried to fucking kill me.....and failed. When I get better I'm gonna show them how powerful I really am"


Beyoncé and Brian both stayed in the hospital by your side. Brian went home getting Bey a few things she needed. Being with you for hours, the sun was already coming up. Beyoncé sat in the recliner chair with her swollen feet up and her eyes closed, she was trying to get a little shut eyes. Going to sleep Bey had a nightmare about the incident but this time you actually died. When you finally started to wake up you groaned at the pain in your chest. Opening your eyes you looked over seeing Bey knocked out sleep in the recliner chair.

"You up" Brian said coming back in the room with bags in his hands.

  "How you feeling?" He asked putting the bags down.

"Bad but I'm grateful I'm not dead" you said.

Brian walked over to Beyoncé to wake her up.

"Bey. Y/N's finally woke up"he said.

"Y/N what!?" She panicked as she woke up.

"She's fine, look" he said pointing over at you.

"Baby" She said when she looked over at you laying in bed awake.

She stood up before walking over to you. Beyoncé leaned down with both hands on your cheeks as she kissed you.

Tears falling down her cheeks as she pulled away from the kiss, resting her forehead on yours.

"I'm so glad you're ok baby" she mumbled.

"What happened?" You asked.

Beyoncé pulled away glancing at her cousin. At that moment you knew they were about to lie to you.

"Uhh you were shot but the police still haven't found the person" Brian said.



"Ok try writing your name for me please" the nurse said giving you the pen and paper.

You sat up grabbing the pen and paper. Your hand began shaking a bit as you tried to write your name. Beyoncé and Brian both watched as you tried to write your name.

"I can't..... is my nerves messed up?" You asked.

"It's an after effect of not having oxygen to the brain. You went 3 minutes without oxygen to the brain" the nurse explained.

"So I'm handicap now..... where's my phone" you asked out loud.

"Baby you're not handicap" Beyoncé said.

"So why can't I write my own name? Why does it look like a baby wrote this?"

Brian handed you your phone but your hands were shaking.

"Can you give us a minute?" Brian asked the nurse.

"Of course" she said before leaving the room.

"Who are you trying to call?" He asked you.

"My fucking lawyer" you said getting annoyed with your shaking hands.

"Your lawyer for what baby?" She asked.

"Since nobody know shit I'm calling my lawyer because I know he'll get to the bottom of this" you said.

"Y/N don't get pulled back into this" Bey said.

"Beyoncé! Somebody just tried to fucking kill me!" You said.

You were upset that your fiancé and best friend really wasn't telling you the truth so you were taking things in your own hands.


~3 months later~

"Ouchhhhhhhh!" You yelled when the needle was injected into your hand.

"You're not used to this yet Y/N?" Camila chuckled.

"Hell no! I hate needles" you said.

"Dont worry big baby, you'll get a sticker and lollipop" she smirked at you.

"Whatever" you laughed.

You groaned in pain as she gave you a shot in your other hand. Coming to therapy for your hands you were given a shot.

"So how does parenthood feel?" She asked.

"I'll let you know next week" you chuckled.

"Ohhh she didn't have to baby yet"

"Nope but Bey can't wait till he comes"

"I bet"

Camila started massaging your hands as y'all talked about random shit. You always kept it casual with Camila because sometimes you'll pick up on her flirting.


"We won't ever find the hitman unless we actually asked Beyoncé's parents" Ben said.

"I don't care. When you get them you make sure they tell you everything about this man" you said as you spoke to Ben.

Ben was also a hitman as well, he was a close friend you knew for years. This was your first time coming to him with a job so he knew it was serious, putting your assignment as his top priority. You let everything die down just so Beyoncé's family could lower their guard. You had Ben watching them, you didn't speak about any of this to Bey or Brian, you were taking things in your own hands. Your phone started ringing, picking it up when you seen Bey calling.

"Hello" you answered.

"Y/N! Beyoncé water just broke and I don't know what to do!" Brian panicked while Bey screamed in pain in the background.

A/N: this is the last chapter for this book, I done reached the limit so any other parts will be posted on the new "Beyoncé imagines"

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