Quarantine Moments 

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"Babe stop moving" Beyoncé said peeling the face mask off Your face.

"I don't want it to hurt" You said grabbing Beyoncé's hand.

"It's not" She  chuckled.

Beyoncé grabbed a piece that was sticking up and ripped it right off.

"Ouchhhh. Why would you do that?" You whined.

"I'm beating yo ass if you ripped my damn skin off" You said getting up to look.

"I didn't" Beyoncé said following you to the bathroom.

"Look how red my face is" you said as you slowly pulled the mask off.

"Let me do it for you" Bey said walking up to you.

"Hell no, back up" you said.

"Go stand in the corner for hurting daddy"


"Y'all boys wackkkkk" you said as you spoke into the mic.

You were in the living room playing the new "Call of Duty" game and you been on it for hours now. Beyoncé laid in bed watching Netflix movies by herself, she wanted to be up under you but she knew you wasn't going to get off the game. Bey paused her movie, sitting up in bed she thought about doing the naked challenge. Beyoncé stripped out of her clothes walking to the bathroom she wrapped the Chanel towel around her small frame before going to grab her phone.

"Naked challenge on my girlfriend" Bey said recording on her phone.

Beyoncé walked downstairs towards the living room, She flipped the camera so that it was on you. You had your mouth hung open a bit as you focused on the game.

"Bae" Beyoncé called out as she dropped her towel.

"Huh?" You said not taking your eyes off the screen.

"Y/N/N look at me" Beyoncé said.

You glanced at Bey before you did a double take.

"NOOOOOOO. I don't wanna play with fat ma, daddy on the game right now" you said.

"Really Y/N!?" Beyoncé said as she continued to record.

"Go put on some clothes girl" you said.

" I. HATE. IT. HEREEEEE" Beyoncé yelled as she picked up her towel, stomping back upstairs.

"It's quarantine yo ass ain't going nowhere" you yelled back.


You been watching a lot of TikTok videos since this lockdown shit started. You seen a funny ass video and decided to do it on  Bey. You sat on the bed with your back towards the head board while Beyoncé sat at her vanity beating her face for fun. You had the camera pointed towards Beyoncé's before you played the sound. Beyoncé only glanced up through the mirror when she heard the FaceTime ringer but went back to doing her makeup.

"Um, you meant to call me"

Beyoncé looked up through the mirror when she heard the girl's voice.

"I thought you said you was with your girl"

You shook your head no as you chewed on the straw, you was trying so hard not to laugh. Beyoncé turned around in her chair with one eyebrow raised.

"Y/N" Beyoncé called out.

"Oh you not with her no more?" The girl on the sound said.

"Um bitch I'm still here, I'm not going no fuckin where" Beyoncé said getting up ready to snatch the phone out Your hand.

"It's a prank baby" you laughed pointing the camera at Bey.

You laughed even harder because how she looked with the white powder sitting up under her eyes.

"Yo ass look like my fingers when I'm eating powder donuts" you laughed.

Beyoncé slapped the phone out of your hand before hitting you with a pillow.

"Don't talk to me Y/M/N." Beyoncé said going back over to her vanity.

"You stay mad with your sensitive ass" You said getting off the bed walking over to Bey.

You stood behind Bey, grabbing her head with both your hands. You leaned her head back kissing her lips.

"Move" Beyoncé said even though she kissed back.

"Shut up before I wipe them eyebrows off" you said earning you a death glare from your girlfriend.


" Bey get off me, you need to practice social distance" you laughed while you was trying to make a sandwich.

"Not until you give me a kiss" she smiled as she had her arms around you.

You chuckled before you picked Bey up, holding her up by her butt. Beyoncé wrapped her arms and legs around you before she pulled you into a hot steamy kiss. Beyoncé slipped her tongue in your mouth, trying to be the dominant one.

"Let me finish making my sandwich" You said tapping her butt so she could get down.

"No because you're gonna go back on your game and I want you paying attention to me" she said not getting down.

"Ok fine,we can watch a movie" you said.

"Seriously?" Bey asked.

"Yes. Go find a movie for us to watch" you said.

Beyoncé squealed as she got off You, she ran out the kitchen towards the movie room y'all barely used.

"Bring snacks babe" she yelled.


A/N: this was cute!

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