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" I just want a burger so baddd" you said as you walked inside the little diner with your wife and daughter.

"Can I have ice cream drink?" Dream asked.

"You mean a milkshake baby" Beyoncé chuckled.

" yeah that" she smiled.

You laughed at your daughter before holding the door open for the both of them. The waitress sat y'all down at a booth, Dream sat next to Bey and you sat across from them.

"You're so pretty baby girl" you said smiling at your daughter.

"Because I look like mommy" she said.

"Yeah your mommy is definitely gorgeous" you said.

"I like when mama is here" Dream said to Beyoncé.

Your smile kinda dropped a bit because of what your daughter said. You wasn't home a lot, being in the marines had you gone from home long periods of time. You missed out of a lot of things, the birth of your daughter, her first word, her first steps.....A lot. But being a marine is what you always wanted.

"I like being here too princess" you smiled.

When the waitress came back you and Bey order y'all food, getting Dream her milk shake and burger and fries. You were enjoying your time with your family just catching up. A group of men came in wearing all black, you eyed them not liking the feeling that started to form in your gut.

" come on" you said getting up.

"Baby we're not done" Beyoncé said confused.

You pulled Dream from the booth, taking her hand. Bey then got up taking her as well.

"Y/N what's going on?" Beyoncé asked.

You didn't respond you just kept walking towards the door. Before you could even make it to the door you were hit in the face with a gun. You dropped to the floor, instantly covering your daughter.

"Nobody is leaving" one of the dudes said as they took out their guns.

People got on the floor when they seen the guns. One man took his phone out trying to call the cops but he was shot in the head causing everyone to scream.


Your daughter cried as you and Bey shield her. You used your shirt to wipe the blood from your nose. They walked around taking people phones and wallets. One guy walked up to Beyoncé thrusting his pelvic in her face grinning. You jumped up tackling him to the ground, you had him in a arm bar snapping his arm quick before attacking the next guy. You punched him in the face and just as you were about to grab him you were shot in the shoulder. Beyoncé went to get up but she was pushed back down.

"Stay there bitch!"

You laid on the ground with your hand pressed against the wound. A guy came and stood over you, noticing your dog tag he bend over snatching it off you.

"She's a marine" the guy spoke in German.

"Take her, we can use her" the other one said.

"You come with us and we'll let these people live" the guy offered you.

You looked over at your wife and daughter. It just broke your heart to see the fear in their eyes.

"Ok" you said.

"But I want to say bye to my family first" you said.


The guy picked you up by your shirt, he cuffed your hands in the front.

"Thank this soldier for letting you see another day" the guy said to the people.

"Dream it's going to be ok, I love you and mommy so much and I just want you two to stay stronger for each other" you said as they started pulling you out the door.

"Mama don't go" Dream cried.

"Where are you taking her!" Beyoncé yelled.

"To Disney world" one of the guys laughed.

They knocked you out before they threw you in the van. You never thought that day would be the last day of seeing your family.

A/N: part two right??👀

Beyoncé imagines(Vol.1)Where stories live. Discover now