Psycho part 2

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" stop moving" You said said to Beyoncé.

" I don't want to do this! Don't do this please" Beyoncé cried as she was tied up on the bed.

" calm down Beyoncé I'm not going to hurt you" You said making sure the straps on her arms and legs were secured.

You walked in the bathroom grabbing the turkey baster you sterilized. Grabbing the small cup that held your semen, you sucked up the semen with the turkey baster before going back to Bey.

" what is that?" Beyoncé asked looking to see what was in your hand.

"Sperm" You simply said showing Beyoncé.

Beyoncé wasn't expecting this at all thinking you was about to rape her. Beyoncé tried closing her legs but she couldn't, she didn't want your baby. Any baby at that, she was too young to be thinking about that now.


You made dinner for you and Bey. You was about to be a happy woman in a few weeks. You had gotten a powder substance off of the black wed, it can erase ones mind and that's what You was going to do with Beyoncé. You was starting a family with the perfect girl.

" so you just put a baby in me? What about when it comes? I have to go to the hospital" Beyoncé said.

" yeah we will, don't worry" You said bringing her food to her after you just sprinkled the powder in her food and drink.

"What if I can't get pregnant?"  Beyoncé asked.

"Then I have to kill you" You said looking at Her.

" I'm just joking" You laughed.

Beyoncé just stay there looking at you, she didn't find that funny at all.

"You're my perfect girl, I wouldn't hurt you we'll just try another way"you said as you started eating your food.


It's been two weeks and the powder had definitely worked on Bey, she even cuddled with You before you had to go to your therapy session.

"How's everything at home?" Katie asked.

"Great! I'm happy and Beyoncé's happy but I have some good news"

" I'm all ears" she said.

" we recently found out that she's pregnant. I'm gonna be a mama" You smiled.

" oh my goodness Y/N, I'm so happy for the two of you"

" thanks you Katie. But I also have some bad news....this will be my last session, I moved on from that dark place I was at" you said.

" well Y/N I wish you and your family nothing but the best"


" I'm home" You called out.

Not getting a reply from Bey you walked in the living seeing the slide door open. You walked in the back seeing Beyoncé in the pool swimming.

" oh hey baby" she smiled getting out the pool naked.

You had a wall up so the neighbors wasn't able to see so they had privacy. Beyoncé walked over to You wrapping her arms around your neck before kissing you.

" how was therapy baby?" She asked.

" it was good. You enjoying your swim?" You asked her.

" I recently just got in actually but how about you join Me" Bey suggested bitting on her lower lip as she unbuckled your pants.

" you want me to skinny dip with you" you chuckled as you pulled your shirt over your head along with your sports bra.

" yes now take your shoes off" Bey said.

You kicked your shoes off before removing your pants and boxer, before you jumped in the water with Bey.Swimming over to Beyoncé she wrapped her legs around you.

"I missed you" Beyoncé said kissing on your neck.

"How much?"

" so much. Even though you were gone for like an hour it felt like forever" she chuckled.

Everything was perfect right now, You successful build you a house wife in your image and had a baby on the way.

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