Pay the price

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You hate Beyoncé Knowles, she made your life a living hell back in high school and you wanted her to pay. You was a truck driver and you made hella money doing so. You was back home for two weeks before you had to drive to Colorado and then you'll be off for a month. So You thought it was the perfect time to execute your plan. Sitting in your car you looked at all of Beyoncé's posts on her social to see where she was at tonight and lucky for you she added her location in a post she posted five minutes ago. Pulling up to the club you got inside looking for Bey, you quickly spotted her at the bar with one of her friends. Making your way over there you squeezed in right between Her and some stranger. The seats was so close together that your knee brushed her leg when you was sitting down.

"I'm sorry" you said.

"You're fine" Beyoncé said before turning back to her friend.

You was just thinking about what to say. Ordering a drink for yourself you glanced at Bey a few times before finally saying something.

"I'm sorry but I can't keep sitting here without letting you know how gorgeous you are" You said biting your lower lip.

Beyoncé gasped when she actually looked at You. You was sexy as fuck and the way you bit your lip, Beyoncé wouldn't hesitate to ride yo face.

"Oh thank you, you're cute yourself" Beyoncé said smiling at you.

You was glad when she didn't recognize you. When she smiled at you, your heart burst but you had to pull it together.

"Can I buy you a drink?" You asked her.

" I've had too many already but you can stay here and chat with me" Beyoncé said.

" I definitely can do that. What's your name?" You asked.

"It's Beyoncé. What about you?" She asked.

"Natalie. Our names sound pretty good together" You lied.

" does it now?" Beyoncé chuckled.

" you know what else sounds good?" You asked.

" what?"

" you in my bed"You said smirking at Bey.

Beyoncé got wet instantly, just the thought of you fucking her turned her on. You was sexy as fuck and she knew for a fact that you threw down in bed.

"Well how about we get out of here then" Beyoncé said tugging at Your pants.

"Yeah, we definitely can do that" you said standing up.

Beyoncé turned around to her friends to tell them that she was leaving.

" Im getting my pussy ate so I'm leaving y'all hoes" Beyoncé said to her friends.

"What's her name?" They asked even though they wasn't going to remember because how fucked up they was.

"Suck a dick" Beyoncé laughed before walking away.

Beyoncé followed You outside trying not stumble a lot.

"Ok I'm fucked up but I definitely want to fuck you, you're sexy as hell" Bey giggled.

You looked over at Bey finally looking at her,She was the same but different.

"If that's what you want" you said walking towards your car.

You went and opened the door for Beyoncé , closing it as well before you entered the car on your side.

"You live by yourself right?" Beyoncé asked.

" yeah, it's just me. But tonight I won't be lonely" You said pulling off.

" not at all" Bey said as she leaned over and started kissing on Your neck.

You didn't know if you should stop Bey or just let it be. But You always wanted this moment since high school.

"Show me what that mouth do" You said trying to unbuckle your pants with one hand.

Beyoncé was shocked when she seen you pull your dick out, she couldn't believe it but you were big as fuck so she did it anyways. Beyoncé reached over putting her hand on your semi-hard dick.

"Fuck you're big. I don't know if I'm just gonna let you go after this night" Beyoncé chuckled before she took your dick in her mouth.

"You Don't have to baby" you groaned.

You was driving slow as Beyoncé sucked your honestly couldn't believe this was happening. Your high school crush was sucking yo dick.

"shit"You moaned.

Stopping at the red light You looked down at Beyoncé as she sucked your dick. Grabbing a hand full of her hair you started bobbing her head up and down.


Getting to Your house Beyoncé couldn't keep her hands off You as you went to unlock the door. Finally unlocking the door You pulled Beyoncé in the house before shutting the door. Pressing her up against the door you let your lips roam all over her neck marking her up.

"Fuck" Beyoncé moaned.

She knew you was leaving marks on her but she didn't give a fuck. Beyoncé let her purse drop to the floor before her hands went under Your shirt feeling your abs.

"Natalie stop teasing and fuck me already" Bey whined a bit.

You chuckled before pulling away from Bey walking to the kitchen.

"I want a drink and you should have one with me" You said smirking at Bey.

"Yeah go ahead and make me one, I'll be waiting on the couch" Beyoncé said.

You walked inside the kitchen pouring them both some Hennessy before you put some drops in Beyoncé's drink. Walking back out to the living Bey had her head leaned back against the couch.

"Don't go to sleep on me now baby. I got something that's gonna wake you up" You said.

"I'm not going to sleep baby, my head is just spinning right now" Beyoncé said smiling at You.

She took the drink out your hand when you passed it to her. Throwing the drink back Bey held her chest as the dark liquor burned.

"Fuck....come here" Bey said pulling You towards her not even caring about the drink in your hand.

You was just gonna let it play out, Beyoncé was gonna be out in less than a minute. You ran your hand up and down Beyoncé's thigh as they made out.

"Please fuck me" Beyoncé moaned out.

Bey laid there as you kissed on her neck. Beyoncé head started to spin even more, seeing black spots she closed her eyes. The last thing Bey saw was You looking down at her.


A/N: wanna know what happens next??

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