Find My Baby

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"Aye put my shit down lil nigga" you said to your son.

"Watch out man" the 4 year old laughed.

"Don't tell me to watch out" you said slapping the back of his head.

" you wanna fight? Cuz I got hands like mommy" Kai said standing on the bed.

"Man yo mommy can't fight! I'm finna beat yo ass talkin so reckless to me" you said grabbing him and throwing him on the bed making him laugh.

You was the reason your son talked the way he do. He was your partner in crime and sometimes you allowed him to do whatever but you got on his ass when he got out of line. Your son was a mini you, he looked like you and acted like you and Beyoncé couldn't stand it sometimes.

"Do that again" Kai laughed jumping in your arms.

You flipped him upside down before slamming him on the bed. Kai laid on his back just cracking up.

"Call mommy so we can show her" he said sitting up.

You pulled out your phone checking the time. Beyoncé was over in the United Kingdom on tour. And since you had work to do you Kai stayed with you in Los angles until your schedule was cleared then the two of you would fly out to Bey. You grabbed your iPad calling Beyoncé.

"Let me see it" Kai said trying to grab the iPad from you.

"Back the hell up" you said pushing him back just ass Bey got on the phone.

"Don't be pushing my baby" Beyoncé said.

"Mommy!" Kai shouted trying to get in the camera.

"Hi baby. you being good for mama?" Bey asked as she smiled looking at you and Kai.

"Yes. We was fighting" Kai said.

"Yeah that ain't nothing new" Beyoncé chuckled.

"Let's show mommy" Kai said standing on the bed.

You got up setting the camera up so that it was facing towards y'all.

"Watch this" you said.

You picked Kai up and threw him on the bed making him laugh.

"Uhn Uhn Y/N" Bey said.

You picked Kai back up, lifting him in the air before slamming him on the bed.

"Y/N! Stop before you hurt my baby!"

You and Kai both laughed at bey as you kept doing it until Kai felled off the bed.

"You see, I told you. Go check on him" Beyoncé said when she heard Kai cry.

"Shut up lil nigga, that shit ain't hurt" you said drying his tears.

" he just doing that because of you" you said looking over at the camera.

"I don't know what I'm going to do with y'all two" she said shaking her head.


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