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"Man fuck y'all ole pigs" You said to the cops as you sat in the back seat of the police car.

You was arrested around 5 in the morning for stealing out the store and this time they were really locking you up due to how many charges they let you get away with in the past. You were only 17 years old wanting to live the life as a gangbanger. You didn't have no parent figure, your dad was a dead beat and your mama was a crackhead that didn't care so you did what the fuck you wanted. At 17 you stood at 6'0, body halfway full of tattoos, GPA of a 1.05, dropped out of school at 9th grade. You was that hood girl that wasn't afraid of the consequences after your actions.

"You better shut ya black ass up, ya mama didn't give you the ass beating you need but I'll gladly give it to you" the female officer said.

"Yeah and the last lady that tried to put hands on me I laid her old ass out"

The two officers ignore You I said that the rest of the ride to juve. Once You was at the detention center they escorted you to an office. Sitting you down in front of the big desk they handcuffed you to some metal part that was attached to the desk.

"Y'all niggas act like imma steal something outta this shit" You said.


"Knowles you got another one that's been sitting in your office for 45mins" Stan said.

"Ok Stan what do you want me to do! You sent me to calm Sara down and now you want me to go somewhere else" Beyoncé snapped.

"Just hurry up please" Stan said before walking away.

"Sara. I promise I'll do my best to try to get you out before your daughter's first but you have to work with me, that fight in the chow room just knocked you down a step" Beyoncé said.

" She swung at me first! I was protecting myself! I wasn't just gonna let that her hit me" Sara said.

" you could've ran or something Sara" she said.

"Yeah then every bitch would've been trying me in this shit because they would've thought I was soft" Sara said pacing the cell she was placed in.

" ok Sara you want to continue being big and bad but I'm letting you know now that it's not going to get you out of here on time to see your daughter" Beyoncé said before leaving going to her office.

"About fucking time I been in th- Damn you fine" You said sitting up smiling at Bey when she came and sat behind the desk.

"Alright Y/N I'm Ms. Knowles I'll be your counselor while you're in here, you come to me when you have a problem with anything or anyone you come to me and I'll take care of it" she explained.

"What about the problem in my pants? You can take care of that?" You asked with a smirk.

"So you're in here for 8 months, I can probably get you to do 5 months if you do as I say" Beyoncé said ignoring your inappropriate question.

" do as you say!? Ion even listen to my ole girl and you think I'm going to listen to you" You laughed.

" ok cool have it your way" Beyoncé said getting up to call the guard to take You to yo cell.


"Bro get me out of these handcuffs!!" You yelled as you sat in Beyoncé office.

Beyoncé heard You yelling all the way from down the hall. You only been in juvenile for 3 weeks and was already getting in shit. Beyoncé walked in her office and they had You cuffed to her desk and one guard had your head pressed against the desk.

"Ok Henry you can let her go" Beyoncé Said.

"Y/N when he takes the cuffs off I need you to stay in your seat" she Said.

Once Henry took the cuffs off, You jumped up getting in Henry's face. Bey slipped her way between You and Henry.

"Henry can you leave please" Beyoncé said keeping her eyes on You.

Henry walked out the room backwards keeping his eyes on You.

" you need to control your temper" she Said once Henry was out the room.

"He was talking shit to me when you wasn't in here!" You said.

" first of all lower your voice" Beyoncé said sitting on the edge of the desk.

You went and sat in Bey's rolling chair playing with the stress ball that she kept on her desk.

" why were you fighting with penni?" Beyoncé asked staring at you.

"Jit called me a Yoda head " You said.

"Well are you?" Bey asked.

" Hell naw man! Tighten up, don't even try me like that!"you snapped getting angry. You stood up knocking a few shit off Beyoncé's desk.

"Hey! Pick my shit up and watch your fucking mouth when you speak to me" Beyoncé said with an eyebrow raised.

" I don't care what she called you. If you know you're not then why get mad over it. Will it all be worth it when your ass is in here for so long you turn 18 and they send you to the big boy house!? You think you're so tuff but as soon as you're in the "adult jail" it's a whole different story" Bey Said.

Beyoncé gave You tough love, something you was missing. She realized when she raised her voice that's when you really listen. You sat there listening to Beyoncé as she talked, picking the remaining skin off the sore on your knuckles.

"Y/N don't do that. Why didn't they clean that for you" she said going to grab the first aid kit she kept in her office.

While she went to do that you picked up the stuff you knocked down.


"So you're finally allowed a visitor this Friday" Bey said smiling at you.

" so what? I ain't got nobody to come visit me" You said picking at his finger nails.

" what about your mom? Dad? Friends? Girlfriend?" Beyoncé  asked.

" fuck that hoe, i ain't got no dad, all my friends either 6 feet under or locked up, and I don't trust no female. It's just me" You said finally making eye contact with Bey.

Beyoncé smiled dropped when You said that.

" can I just chill in yo office Friday?" You asked.

" I'm off this Friday. I'm sorry" she Said.

"Naw it's cool"

" could you tell the guard I'm ready to go back to my cell?" You said not in the mood to talk anymore.

A/N: think you'll get a visitor🤔?

Beyoncé imagines(Vol.1)Where stories live. Discover now