Prankster part 2

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" hey guys it's Bey here, we're making a video to show y'all the things we got from the baby shower. Y/N actually cried when she found out we were having a boy" Beyoncé said pointing the camera at you  in nothing but a towel.

" come on Bey I'm nearly naked" You said stepping back in the bathroom.

Beyoncé turned the camera laughing before walking out the room down the hallway.

" alright guys this is the baby's room, we decided to go with the Spider-Man theme" Bey said showing the whole room before going over to the closet.

" we have lots of pampers and wipes which is good for us, um I went crazy with the clothes and shoes"Beyoncé showing all the clothes and shoes.

" and then we got the crib, rocking chair, changing table, his little rocker, and his beautiful mother" Beyoncé said showing herself in the full body mirror.

"So conceited" You said from the doorway.

"There's Mama!"

"Did you tell the name yet?" You asked.


"Good because I want to tell them" You said taking the camera.

"So I came up with this name because Bey was expecting a girl. His name will be Lucas Devon Y/L/N" You said with a smile.

"Don't get so big headed about it" Beyoncé said.


"This looks so real, you're good" Beyoncé said looking at the fake stab wounds on her stomach and neck.

"Thanks" the guy said.

"I'm just going to get on the floor now and then you can pour the blood on me" Beyoncé said.

"You sure you're gonna be comfortable down there Beyoncé?" Your sister asked.

"Yeah, I'm comfortable in many positions, ask your sister " bey

"Eww Bey"

" make sure you turn on the signal blocker when she pulls up. And thank you again tommy I'll be sure to give you a shoutout on our channel.


" shit, Bey she's here" becca yelled turning on the signal blocker before running in the bathroom hiding in the tub poking the camera out.

You walked in the dark house putting your key on the rack.

" Bey" you called out.

" don't tell me she left this bathroom light on again" you said to yourself walking down the hall.

" Bey, what the hell you doing on the floor" you said.

You walked closer, your eyes widened when she seen the blood on the floor. Running over to Bey she grabbed her.

"Bey! Oh god, Bey!" You yelled shaking her.

Looking at the wounds, You grabbed your phone trying to call 911 but the calls wasn't going through at all. You hugged Beyoncé's body, you wasn't the type to cry but she just lost her girlfriend and baby. Beyoncé couldn't hold back anymore she just bust out laughing.

"Got your ass" Your sister said.


" it was a prank baby" Beyoncé said laughing.

"This guy did the make up, you guys go follow him at tommy-sfx" Beyoncé said looking at the camera.

"Fuck the the both of y'all" You said getting up before walking out.

Bey got off the floor with the help of becca before they followed You.

"Baby you were crying, aweeee" Beyoncé said hugging You.

"Shit not funny"


"Alright guys, Y/N is sleeping right now and i have these guys with me along with some snakes which Y/N is scared of I'm just going to give her some company in bed" Bey said.

Beyoncé walked in the room with the guys behind her, watching them put the snakes on You,putting the big anaconda on last.

" bae, get up I made breakfast" Bey said holding the camera.

You rolled over and was met by the big snake.

" oh- BEY! What the fuck! Get them off!" You yelled letting out a high pitch scream.

Beyoncé sat there laughing her ass off with one hand under her stomach.

" baby you better stop all that moving for they bite you" Beyoncé said laughing.

"I swear when I get up, that ass is mines"

Beyoncé had the guys to remove the snakes before she attempted to run from You.

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