Sick Baby

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Your body was sore, head throbbing, one minute you're cold the next minute you're hot. You just can't stand being sick, it just leave you with no energy to move at all.

"Baeeee" you called out for your wife but ended up groaning when your head started throbbing more.

"Yes?" Beyoncé answered from the office.

"Come here please" you mumbled hoping she heard you.

Beyoncé got up from her desk before she walked across the hall into the bedroom. You pulled the blanket from in front of your face to look at Bey.

"I don't feel good" you said.

Beyoncé walked over to you touching your forehead. She pulled the blanket off you to get a better look at you.

"Awe baby, you have the flu" Bey said putting the blanket back over you.

" good thing your wife's a doctor" Beyoncé smiled before she kicked into doctor Y/L/N mode.

She went to turn the A/C up,keeping it cold in the house so no germs would spread. Bey went to set up her office, she loved the fact that she turned half her office into a little patient's room. Bey has everything set up before she went to get you.

"Come on baby, let me move you into the office" She said pulling the blanket off you.

" it's cold" you said trying the put the blanket back on you.

"Y/N come on so I can make you feel better" she said lifting you up.

When Beyoncé lifted you up, it's like your stomach did a backflip. You quickly rushed to the bathroom before you threw up in the toilet.

"Oh fuck no" you said as tears started coming out your eyes.

You hate throwing up, you cried every time you threw up. Beyoncé walked in the bathroom taking your hair out your hand, holding it for you. You was so thankful for your wife because you knew that this stomach virus will be gone in hours. Beyoncé once was the chief of medicine at hospital back in Texas but then you received a life changing email which ended with you making two million dollars a year. And at that time Bey was just your girlfriend, so when you asked her to move too she wasn't to keen with the idea of moving a thousand miles away from her dream job and family. You didn't want to leave without Bey, you knew from the start that she was your world and she had to be with you at all times. So you bribed her, you brought Beyoncé her very own private practice.

"I got the bed all comfortable for you in the office. I'm going to run an IV and you're going to feel so much better baby" Bey said as she helped you up.

"I think I'm gonna sleep through this" you said walking over to the sink to brush your teeth.

Once you were done you followed Bey into her office getting in bed. You got under the blanket leaving your arm out so she could stick you. Beyoncé added some hand sanitizer in her hands before she tied the band around your arm, she grabbed the alcohol pad rubbing the spot on your arm. Bey tried to find your vein but she wasn't getting anything.

" I'll be back" She said going downstairs to get you a gatorade.

She opened it for you, giving it to you to drink.

"I swear if I throw this shit back up" you said before you drink a good amount.

"Squeeze this" Bey said giving you the stress ball before taking the drink, sitting it to the side.

You did as you was told and Beyoncé found the vein pretty quick this time.

" there it is" She said before said grabbed the needle, taking it out the package.

Beyoncé stuck the needle in your arm before connecting it to the infusion tube.

"You're gonna feel better babe" She said smiling down at you as she caressed your head.


You had just woken up and you felt better than before. You looked over seeing Beyoncé doing paper work at her desk, you just smiled at how beautiful she was.

"I thought you don't go back to work until next week Monday" you stated.

" I know but I just can't let these paper work pile up" Bey said getting up to check on you.

When Bey touched your forehead you moved into her touch.

"You don't feel as hot as before but let me check just to make sure" she said grabbing the thermometer.

"Yep, your temperature is normal" Beyoncé said leaning over kissing your forehead head.

"Wait come here" you said pulling her back towards you.

"Hey, be careful with your IV" She said to you.

"Just take it out baby" you said rubbing on her thigh.

"I definitely can see you're feeling better" Bey smirked.

"Yes, all thanks to my gorgeous wife" you said as Beyoncé took your IV out.

Once She dispose of everything correctly you got up dragging Bey with you to y'all actual bed.

" you changed the bed sheets"

"Of course I did" she said.

You got in bed patting the spot next to you. You wrapped your arm around Bey pulling her into you. As the two of you laid there you started sweating badly.

"I feel funny" you mumbled.

Beyoncé lifted her head off your chest, looking at you. She got up to get a towel from the bathroom. Getting back in bed, she put the towel over her before she had you to lay your head on her chest.

"You're just sweating off the flu" she said.

"My sick baby" she said caressing your hair.

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