Gift part 2

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You was at work late finishing up a project you had to turn in, looking at your clock it was 7:30pm. Saving what you had you closed your laptop before packing it up in your bag. You walked out the building heading to your car, getting in you started up your car before pulling out your phone to text Bey to tell her you were on your way home.  Putting your phone down you looked up and there was a dark figure standing in front of your car.

" hell no.... you just tripping Y/N" you said to yourself as you watched the black figure.

Turning on your high beams to get a better look it disappeared. You put your car in drive before pulling out the parking lot.

" yo what the fuck was that" you said to yourself.

You couldn't stop thinking about what you saw as you drove home. Pulling up in your driveway you parked the car and before you could get out you felt like you were choking.

" this is my playground" the dark figure said before you seen darkness.


~1 week later~

You had gotten up in the middle of the night to grab something to drink. You went to check up on
Your daughter first but she wasn't in her bed. Going downstairs You walked in the kitchen seeing your wife and daughter eating cereal.

" wow, so y'all just leave me out like that" you said grabbing a bottle of water.

" I was hungry and mommy was jump so she made me cereal" Gracie said.

" and why was mommy up?" You asked looking over at Bey.

" because mama wasn't holding me" she said back.


"What's going on baby?" You asked.

"A lot" Beyoncé mumbled as she laid in bed.

" I got time, talk to me" you said.

" I'm pregnant....again and I've been having bad migraines lately, my sleeping schedule is so fucking off and for some reason I feel a negative energy from you" Beyoncé said.

Pregnant!? I been wearing condoms" You said confused.

Natalie stood at the door holding a needle between her fingers, smiling at Bey.

" you did say you wanted another baby" she shrugged.

" yeah but not now" Bey said to Natalie.

You turned your head towards the door knowing your wife was talking to one of the spirits in the house. You lowkey wished that you was able to see them.

" it's just Natalie baby" Bey said.

"And what do you mean a negative energy off me?  I don't feel angry or anything" You said.

" I don't know, I just feel it and sometimes it's so strong" she said.

" well maybe you should light them candles" You said looking at Beyoncé.

Beyoncé looked over at you confused. You hate when she light her candles.

"I-I mean I hate them but I don't want my negative energy effecting you" You said.

" yeah" Bey said looking at you suspiciously.


" I don't know Natalie, you was there! She hates the candles and all of a sudden she wants me to light them. Something isn't right and I feel it" Beyoncé said.

"Well you can cleanse the house while she's at work" Natalie suggests.

Beyoncé looked up seeing Charlie playing with Gracie on the playground.

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