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Beyoncé stood in the staircase with her girlfriend, Bey knew this wasn't going to end well by the look on her girlfriend's face. Going to 8th period Ashely caught Beyoncé sitting on Your lap on the benches in front of the gym and even though she knew y'all were friends Ashely felt disrespected.

" why the fuck were you sitting on her lap?" Ashely asked Bey .

"She asked me to so we could take a picture. It was nothing baby" Beyoncé said looking up at her.

Ashely slapped Beyoncé right in her mouth causing Bey to fold her lips over her braces. Her hand went up to her mouth to see if she was bleeding.

"I watched your lying ass and you sat on her lap for a long fucking time, nobody was taking no picture. I damn sure didn't see nobody standing in front of y'all with a phone but as soon as I walked around the corner you want to hop your ass up!"

"Hey I'm over here! Look at me when I'm talking to you Beyoncé" Ashely said gripping Beyoncé's jaw.

Bey felt the tears forming in her eyes as she stared up at the taller girl.

" if I catch you on her fucking lap again or anybody else's lap I swear I'm knocking them braces down your throat" Ashely said to her girlfriend before she let her jaw go.

" ok" Bey mumbled before she walked out the door to her classroom.

She wiped her eyes, spitting out the blood in her mouth. She grabbed her water bottle rinsing her mouth before she walked in class.

" go get a pass Beyoncé" mr. Henry said.

" I just came from the bathroom, I busted my lip and it wouldn't stop bleeding" she lied.

Once her teacher let her slide she took her seat in the back next to You. You stared at your best friend who you was secretly, madly in love with. You turned Beyoncé's face towards you so you could get a good look at her. As soon as Beyoncé's eyes met your the tears started back up.

"Bey. What happened?" You asked.

" she saw me sitting on your lap. I can't be doing all those things we used to do Y/N. Ashely doesn't like that and I hate getting her mad" Bey said talking among herself and You .

You shook your head at your best friend before you went back to your class work.


You sat in your usual spot where you always hung at after school hanging with you other friends before flag football practice started. You haven't hung out with your best friend in two whole weeks just so Beyoncé could please Ashely.

Beyoncé made up in her mind that she was done with Ashely. She couldn't do anything while she was with her, Ashely was controlling her and she wanted out. Meeting Ashely after school in the staircase she told Ashely that she couldn't be with her anymore and she didn't take it too well. And before she could hit Bey she took off running out the door and Ashely was right after her. Beyoncé ran towards the gym knowing that's where her best friend was but she didn't get far. Ashely caught up with her before slinging her to the ground. Beyoncé instantly went to covering her face.

" you think you're going to break up with me!" Ashely yelled punching Bey in her side.

Ashely kicked Beyoncé in her face not caring that she was covering her face. Beyoncé was full on sobbing now as Ashely just went crazy on her. With Beyoncé crying and Ashely yelling they caught people attention. Kids coming from around the corner to see what was going on. Some even tried to get Ashely to stop hitting on Beyoncé but Ashely wasn't hearing that.

"BACK THE FUCK UP!" Ashely yelled at everyone who kept getting closer.

Beyoncé went to peek from under her hand but as soon as she did Ashely hit her right in the eye. It's like she was waiting for Bey move her hands.

" please stop!" Beyoncé cried.

She couldn't do nothing as she laid on the ground with Ashely hovered right over her.

" you want to break up with me Bey ? Huh? Is that what you want?" Ashely asked before she spit on Bey.

You were throwing the football with your partner when one of your friends ran on the field telling you that Ashely and Beyoncé were fighting by the library. And with that being said You took off running from the football field all the way to the library in full speed with your teammates right behind you, them wanting to be noisy. You seen red when you seen your best friend on the floor. You pushed Ashely so hard it sent the skinny girl flying to the ground. You didn't even wait for Ashely to get up before you attacked Ashely . Now Ashely was the one balled up on the floor. It wasn't until security and one of the coaches came pulling you off her.

" you better watch your fucking back" Ashely said to You with a bloody mouth.

You just ignored her before going over to Beyoncé who sat on the floor with a few kids surrounding her.

" hey Bey I'm here now" You said hugging her best friend.

Beyoncé just cried until they were taken to the office. They ended up calling Beyoncé's parents and the ambulance for Her as well. You didn't even leave Bey side for one second. You went to collect your things off the field before you went back to Bey forgetting about practice even though they had a game in two days.

" we want to press charges on that girl! And we want a restraining order against her" Beyoncé's mom said to the principal.

sitting in a meeting with both Beyoncé's and Ashely's parents. The police was called who was also present in the the room.

"That's not necessary miss. I promise you our daughter won't ever go nowhere near your daughter again" Ashely's dad said.

"What the hell do you mean it's not necessary! Look at my best friend face!she been hitting her for the longest. Bey was just too scared to ever come out and admit. I've seen her hit Beyoncé and if you ask around the school I'm pretty sure other students have and I'm not talking about the incident that happened today" You said.

"Take that nigga to jail!" You said.

" is that true Beyoncé?" The officer asked.

Beyoncé eyes instantly darted over to Ashely who was starting right at her giving her a death glare like "if you tell I'll kill you"

" you don't have to be afraid Bey I won't let her hurt you" You said looking at your friend as you held her hand.

"Yes" Beyoncé said before she wiped her tears away.

Beyoncé imagines(Vol.1)Where stories live. Discover now