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"I shouldn't have opened my big mouth" You groaned.

"Either way yo brothers would've been on yo ass" Zaria said.

"Don't stress it best friend we gonna find a girl for you, I got a few fri-"

"Nooooo, I don't want none of your friends. They either gold diggers or they can't hold a decent conversation" You said.

"Because you fuckin black acting like a white nigga!"

"Best friend you fineeeee you just a lame. Girls don't wanna hear about no damn politics and shit" she said.

"Ok what if you pretend to be my girlfriend for the trip?" You suggested.

"Hell naw man, I like pussy too much, and you ain't got that.Bitch I can't even pretend to kiss you,We gonna find someone" she said.


Beyoncé's was walking out her last class when she got an email on her second phone. Seeing someone emailed her about her online website. Bey chuckled when she seen the message, she could definitely tell that the person was new at this.

"Damn, not bad at all" she said looking at your pictures.

She always had her customers to send pictures as well because she honestly can't fake anything with someone that wasn't attractive.

Beyoncé: I'm free right now, if you want we can meet up at Starbucks.

You: I'm stuck in my office right now, is it possible I can have you come here? No funny business I promise, it's people around

Beyoncé: send the address to my phone 222-657

When bey seen the location she realized That you was in a whole different state. Wondering how the hell you came across her page. She called back when she got in her car, putting you on Bluetooth as she drove home.

"Hello, Y/N?"

"Yeah this me" you answered.

"Ok big problem here, you're in a whole different state sweetie" Beyoncé chuckled a bit.

" fuck...... ok, um I'll come to you. Where you stay?" You asked.



You was desperate to find somebody to take with you on this family vacation. You've been arguing with Zaria on the jet the whole flight.

"I mean you didn't have to come now, you could've waited until the day of and scooped her up, Louisiana right there" Zaria said.

" no, that's too much. We talked and she said if everything go good then she'll come back with me" You said as y'all drove to the hotel.

" oh you tryna fuck on her" she grinned.

" you know I'm not like that so shut up" You said.

"Nigga you need to be like that" Zaria said.


You had left Zaria at the hotel so you could meet up with Beyoncé. Getting to the Starbucks, You was nervous as hell. You looked around until you spotted her in the corner reading.

"H-Hey" You said standing there awkwardly.

" oh hi" Beyoncé said as she stood up to greet you.

" wow you're tall" she chuckled before sitting down and you doing the same.

" yeah, 6'2" You chuckled a bit.

" So how did you come across my page if you live in California?" She asked.

Beyoncé imagines(Vol.1)Where stories live. Discover now