Interns part 2

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~This will be takin place 2 months later~

Beyoncé was recording herself in the mirror showing her viewers her new scrubs and shoes she just brought.

"I think I'll go back and get the black and pink pair next week, those were cute too" Bey said.

"Put that camera down and come get ready" you  said wrapping your arms around Bey from behind before kissing on her neck.

Beyoncé giggled as she kept recording. You and Bey been talking since she went home with you two months ago.  Beyoncé wasn't ready to put a label on you and Her but You knew you wanted Beyoncé. Beyoncé turned her camera off before she wrapped her arms around Your neck. 

"So who's going to be your 2nd in surgery today" Beyoncé asked as she ran her hands under your T-shirt and over your abs.

"Not you shorty"  you said kissing her forehead.

"Why not" Bey whined.

"Because people gonna start saying shit and I really don't have time to go to the board with this so stop whining" you said tapping Beyoncé's ass.

"Fine" Bey said moving towards the bathroom to do her hair.


"I'm so glad you didn't come home last night. Me and Sean got into an argument and it ended up with him Fucking my brains out.... I may be pregnant" Naya said.

"Yeah I'm glad I wasn't there either" Bey said opening her water.

"So what did you and Y/N did last night? Did she fuck you into a coma?" Naya laughed.

" no we didn't fuck. We cuddled and watched movies until I felled asleep on her" she said.

"Like always, you'll fall asleep on anybody" Naya said applying lipgloss on.

"Oh hush. Is Sean still throwing that party tonight because I want to go" Bey Said.

"Yeah he is" Naya said.

Beyoncé was about to say something when both Naya's and Beyoncé's pager went off. Naya and bey both rushed to scrub in for surgery.


"I can't believe I saved a life today!"  Beyoncé said as she laid on the couch that was in Your office.

"Feels good huh?" You asked as you filled out some papers.

"Fuck Yeah! I should be getting more than a pat on the back from you" Bey said as she made her way over to You.

"I don't give special treatments and you know that" You said.

"Well what I was thinking of you're not giving that to anyone but me" she said straddling your lap.

"Trying to get fucked in my office doctor Knowles?" You asked resting your hands on Beyoncé's ass.

"Maybe" Bey said capturing Your  lips with hers.

"When you gonna stop playing and be mines" you asked looking at Bey.

"I am yours silly" she said.

"You know what I mean"

"I'm yours Y/N don't worry" bey Said before pecking your lips again.

This time the kiss got more heated. Bey started Undoing the buttons on your shirt, she left the shirt hanging on your arms before she attacked your neck with kisses. You stood up with bey in your arms moving her over to the couch.

" take them scrubs out girl" you said unbuckling your pants.

" first strip for me daddy" bey grinned.

You let out a chuckle before taking your shirts off.

"Take that sports bra off too baby, lemme see them titties" Bey said.

"Bey stopppp" you said covering up.

Beyoncé pulled you closer by your belt buckle before she started undoing your pants. You bit down on your bottom lip when Bey wrapped her hand around your dick, pulling it out. Just as she was about to put it in her mouth Naya walked in.

"Bey get yo nas- Ou shit. My baddddd" Naya said standing there covering her eyes.

You tucked yourself back in your pants before covering yourself.

" Naya close the damn door" bey said.

" sorry" she said closing the door with her eyes still covered.

" with you on the other side please" you said.

" I'm sorry baby" bey said as she stood up kissing your lips.

" we'll finish later" you said wrapping your hand around her neck when you kissed her.

Beyoncé smiled at you before walking out your office meeting.

"You couldn't text me or anything?" Bey said.

" I'm sorryyyy....... but damn her dick is bigggg" Naya said talking amongst them.

" I know, my baby blessed"


"You know Bey coming right?" Sean told You.

"Yeah I know. Imma be over in the cut though, slide by when you done" you said.

You and Sean became close over time, you and Sean actually had a lot in common and it was a plus because y'all girls were best friends.
You sat on the couch sipping on some henny, watching some of  friends put down on a few females.

"Aye, there go yo little baby right there" Aaron said pointing out Bey.

as soon as your eyes landed on Beyoncé you let out a small chuckle. Beyoncé had on the same dress y'all both agreed on she only wear it in the house because how short and revealing.The dress stopped right under her ass and if she was to bend down you'll see her ass.

Beyoncé made her way over to the bar with Naya to order some drinks.

"look. Sean is over there" Beyoncé said showing Naya where Sean was who was already looking their way.

"If he wants me he'll come to me" Naya said.

"Girl Sean is going to kill you" Bey laughed.

"Oh shit..... Y/N is here! I thought you said she wasn't coming" Naya said.

Beyoncé whipped her head around so fast. She seen you standing over in the corner, She cussed herself when she made eye contact with you. Beyoncé got up and made her way over to You. When  you motioned for her to come over. She tried pulling her dress down more as she walked through the crowd. You grabbed Beyoncé's hand before you took her somewhere else private.

"You trying me right" You said once they were alone in a room.

"No ba-"

"You're not!? Beyoncé you came out the fucking house in a dress we agreed you were going to wear only in the house and then on top of that you didn't once tell me about this party. Stop acting like you're fucking single" You snapped.

"I am single, we never put a label on anything" she said.


Bey jumped when Your voice boomed through the room.

"I want to be your girl, I wanna make a couples YouTube with your silly butt. I'm ready for the heat you're gonna bring, I'm ready for the nagging,I'm ready to warm up a heating pad and rub your belly when you're having period cramps. But I see I gotta be real demanding with yo ass.... so you're my girl and I'm your girl, you ain't single anymore" You said.

"Even butt rubs?" Beyoncé asked chewing on her lower lip.

"Yes even butt rubs" you said.

All that yelling You did turned her on. She loved how demanding you got when you told her that she wasn't single.

"Why you looking at me like that?" You asked.

"Quickie?" Beyoncé asked.

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