Sixteen And Pregnant

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"Pregnant!? You sure?" You asked.

"Yeah, I took a test and my mama even took me to the doctors office" Beyoncé said.

"Bro my moms gonna fuckin kill me" you mumbled.

"Baby they'll eventually get over it, I can't do this alone and I'm not going to" Bey said.

" yeah I know. I'll tell them today" you said.


~3 months pregnant~

"It just look like you ate too much" you chuckled as you rubbed the little bump.

"My mom said I'll start showing more when I get closer to my due date" Bey said.

"Kelly asked to be the godmother, what do you think?" Beyoncé said.

" I'm fine with it babe, that's your best friend" you said kissing her head.

You and Beyoncé just laid in bed talking about the baby.  Y'all also was finding out the sex of the baby next month and Bey was very excited.

" I hope it's a girl" Bey smiled.

" it doesn't matter to me. He/ She just bet not be ugly because we too fine to be making ugly babies" you said.

" our baby definitely won't be ugly" she laughed.


~6 months pregnant~

You and Bey were shopping for a few things for the baby. When Bey found out she was having a boy she cried and by the next day she was trying to pick out names.

"This is so cute baby, it's a crib and when he get older it can also be his bed" Bey smiled.

" yeah I like that" you said.

" are you excited about tomorrow? Plus I haven't seen your parents in awhile"

" yeahhhh, I don't know if they'll be able to come" you said.

" Awee why?" She asked as she stopped walking.

"Just work, I told you they picked up extra shifts to help me out"

The truth is you didn't tell your parents that Bey was pregnant, you didn't want to tell them either because you knew they were going to kill you. You're 16 about to have a baby.


You was sitting in the living room playing call of duty with your mama while your other mom cooked dinner.

" damn. Be careful going in on that right side, it's a sniper right over there" Carmen said.

" I got something for him" you said.

Hearing a knock on the door both You and Carmen didn't move.

"Bae could you come get the door please" Carmen yelled out so her wife was able to hear her.

"That game ain't that serious you guys" Megan said going to answer the door.

"Oh Bey! Wow I didn't see you in months, and you pregnant!" Megan said.

"Um yeah me an-"

Beyoncé was cut off by you slamming the door in her face.

"She's real sensitive bout being pregnant because the dad isn't around" You said not know Bey could still hear you.

The door wasn't locked so Beyoncé opened the door, pushing you out the way.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS Y/N!? Because the dad isn't around?? The other dumb ass parent standing right in front of me!" Beyoncé snapped.

"Wait hold up, what's going on?" Carmen asked.

"It's nothing mama"

"Can we talk about this later?" You asked Bey.

"Talk about what!? That I'm 6 months pregnant with YOUR baby!?"

" her baby?" Carmen said.

"I see you want me to kill you huh?" Megan asked looking at you.

You gave Bey an annoying look like she did anything wrong.

"You know what Y/N we're done, because I'm not putting up with this" she said before leaving.

Carmen was the first to hit you, knocking you up your head.

"Are you fuckin stupid man?" Carmen asked.

"It was an accident" you said stepping back.

" you're 16! You shouldn't be having sex at all!" Megan yelled.

"On God you grounded for a year" she said.


A/N: i was watching "what's love got to do with it" and I still can't believe I thought Angela Bassett was actually Tina Turner😂

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