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" I swear you're the best and I love you so much" You said to your best friend.

"Yeah whatever" Beyoncé mumbled before hanging up the phone.

Doing a u-turn Bey headed towards her god son's school. Getting a call from You saying Jamari got into a fight and you couldn't leave because you were in a business meeting. This was going to be Beyoncé first time coming to his school. Pulling up to the school She got out heading to the office.

" hi I'm here to pick up Jamari Y/L/N" Beyoncé said.

" can I get your name please?" The lady asked.

"Beyoncé Knowles" she said.

" oh you're mom. The principal would like to speak to you" she said.

She didn't even correct the lady. She was pretty sure You put her as his mom. Beyoncé followed the lady down the hall into an office where she seen Jamari and an older looking man sitting.

" hi I'm Beyoncé" she said shaking the guy's hand before sitting down next to Jamari.

" it's nice to meet you mrs. Y/L/N . I'm mr. Attis" he said smirking at Bey.

"It's Knowles, I'm not married" she said smiling back.

Jamari watched as his god mom flirt with his principal, he wasn't stupid at all and he definitely was going to tell you about it.

" so Jamari here got into a fight with another kid. As I told the other parent, the both of them will be suspended for 3 days and can not attend the upcoming field trip" mr. Attis said.

" that's not fair" Jamari said.

"Shut up because you shouldn't been fighting in the first place" Beyoncé said smacking his arm.

" that's perfectly fine. Is there anyway he can have work so his grades won't go down?" Bey asked.

"He can go to his class and ask his teacher for work out of his I-ready book" mr. Attis said.

"go get your book Mari" Beyoncé said grabbing his book bag.

" so are you single right now?" He asked when Jamari walked out the room.

" yes I am" She said with a grin.

"Well then you should definitely give me your number" he said biting his lip.

Beyoncé took the pen out the cup before writing her number down on a blank paper that was on his desk.


"You trippin man. You can't be getting suspended from school" You said to your son.

" mama he was talking about my shoes" Jamari said.

"Jamari it's always going to be someone talking about you. You can't do anything about that. You can't entertain their foolishness because that's what they want. You know who your mama is? I get so many hateful things said towards me from girls that like your mama but I don't do anything but ignore them" Bey said.

" fuck them kids, yo shoes cost more then theirs" You said.

"Don't cuss at him!" Beyoncé said.

You looked at Beyoncé rolling your eyes. She stuck a middle finger at You without letting Jamari see.

" I'm already doing that" You said laughing.

"Whatever" She said walking in the kitchen.

"mama goddie was flirting with my principal. He was smiling at her and stuff" Jamari said.

" yo principal!? Giselle!" You shouted as you got up walking towards the kitchen.

"What?" She said.

" I'm about to go in your shit. You flirting with other people now? Stop playing with me" You said.

" I'm a single woman and I can talk to who I want" Beyoncé said.

" you forgot I'm bustin yo shit open every other night?" You asked

" and that can stop honey" Beyoncé said looking at You.

" we're best friends not a couple" she said.

" what's stopping? Because it ain't us so that shit dead so stop playin with me like I said" You said before walking out.


"I can't stand yo aggy ass" Bey mumbled covering her face with her hands.

"Yeah I love you too" You said chuckling at Her.

" you can't say no to sex with me, you love the way how I fuck you and you know nobody else does it better than me" you said removing Beyoncé hands from her face.

" no you just won't allow me to even answer your question and your dick isn't all that anyways so shut your face" Beyoncé said smacking You.

" yeah my dick is all you need. You Mines forever until I die"

" I'm your best friend Y/N"

" and girlfriend, we basically been together since Mari was one" you said.

"Yeah and you made me his godmother" Bey said.

"But he calls you mama and shit. Stop acting like that" You said pulling Her close to you.

"Bout to give you a baby so you know it's real"you said lifting Beyoncé's leg and slipping back in her.

She let out a moan when You pushed back in her. You kissed Bey on her neck as you held her waist.

" yeah you get me pregnant and the world is going to flip. I might actually get killed" she mumbled.

" now you know that's not going to happen" You said kissing Her lips.

You didn't want to fuck again you just wanted to feel Her.

"You know I love you right?" You asked.

"Well you have a horrible why of actually showing it" she said.

"I don't know. I'm scared to put a label on us, you know I ain't never had a girlfriend" You said.

"Yes I know. But why me though?" She asked.

"Because you was the first girl that was willing to do for my son. That time when I told you I was running late for a meeting and I had no babysitter and u offered to watch him"

"But u made me your best friend"

"I had to find a way to keep you around without actually being serious. But that's going to change, I know what I want now and I promise I won't fuck up" You said looking at Her.

"We'll talk bout this in the morning, it's getting late" Beyoncé said.

Beyoncé imagines(Vol.1)Where stories live. Discover now