My Own part 3

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~6 months later~

"I'm sending the last payment as we speak" Henry said to the hitman.

"Expect a call this week" the hitman said before hanging up.

Henry felt relief that he finally paid the man off. Now he'll just have to sit in wait.

"What did he say?" Robert asked.

"Just to expect a call this week"

"About fucking time. This nonsense been going on too long" Robert said sipping his Scotch.

"Is this guy even legit? Tina asked.

"Remember Ray Murphy the guy that was shot in front of his house?" Henry asked.

"Yeah, what about it?" She asked.

"That was the hitman work. He's gonna get the job done, don't worry" Henry said.


"I bet you a birkin bag we're having a girl" Beyoncé said holding out her pinky.

"Deal" you grinned, locking pinkies with Bey.

"I know I'm right, I can feel it" she said rubbing her stomach as y'all waited in a private waiting room.

"I still haven't picked out names yet" you said touching Beyoncé's stomach.

Ever since she started to show more you couldn't keep your hands off her stomach. The baby always kicked the spot your hand was rested at, like it knew it was you. You've been the happiest in the last 6 months, you were making deals after deals, the baby is due in three more months, and on top of that you'll be marrying the love of your life next year.

"I feel like you're gonna wait till the last minute" Bey said.

"No I won't, I'll start looking" you said leaning in pecking her lips.

A nurse finally called Beyoncé's name, following the nurse towards a room in the back.

"Change into this gown and doctor Penn will be with you shortly" she said.

"Ok thank you"  Bey smiled.

Beyoncé took her dress off before putting on the gown. You then helped her up on the table.

"Why you looking at me like that?" You chuckled.

"Because I can't believe we're actually doing this together. I'm just so happy with you" Beyoncé said.

"I'm happy with you too baby" you said kissing her a little longer this time.

Bey wrapped her arm around your neck pulling you closer, Beyoncé's tongue slipped in your mouth and you had to stop things before it got outta hand.

"Babyyy" Bey whined when you pulled away.

" I don't want the doctor walking in on us" you said.

Beyoncé hormones had her all over the place most of the time. When she's angry she's like a demon but when she's horny you guys be at it for hours and you didn't complain not once.

"Knock, knock can I come in?" The doctor asked through the cracked door.

"Yeah she's ready" you said.

The doctor walked in greeting both you and Beyoncé before he went and turned on the monitor.

"Warning the gel is cold" he said before squeezing a good amount on Beyoncé's stomach before placing the transducer on her stomach.

"Ohh you two got a thumb sucker on y'all hands" Doctor Penn chuckled as he pointed out the baby sucking their thumb.

"Can we get a picture of that?" You asked.

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