Teacher part 4

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" I can't believe I met Cinderella" Ava said.

"She was so pretty Mommy" Ava said.

"not prettier than you princess" Beyoncé said.

" or mommy" you said looking at Bey.

" can we come here every year?" Ava asked as she flopped down on the couch.

" of course we can. But right now it's time for a bath so you can get your beauty sleep" you said picking Ava up.

" noooo I wanna stay up" she whined.

" Ava no, you're going to bed it's way pass your bed time" Beyoncé said going to get Ava's bath started.

Ava started crying as you brought her in the bathroom. As you were undressing her Ava felled on the floor and continued to cry.

" Ava!" Beyoncé scolded.

" I got it baby" you said to Bey.

" Ava you see this shoe? Do you want it on your butt?" You asked her.

" no" she mumbled.

" well I suggest you get your little butt off this floor so you can get in this tub so your mommy could bathe you and get you ready for bed" you said in a stern voice.

Ava slowly got off the floor, taking the rest of her clothes off before getting in the tub.


" I finally got her to sleep" Beyoncé said sitting on your lap.

" she's so stubborn" you said resting your hand on Beyoncé's thigh.

"She is. You had a good day today?" She asked pecking the corner of your lips.

" mhmmm" you said before pulling Bey down for a deeper kiss.

Beyoncé moved so that she was now straddling your lap. Your hands went up under her dress letting them  run over her body. Beyoncé moaned into your mouth as you started grinding her against you.  Beyoncé pushes your head back getting access to your neck. She licked from your neck all the way to your sweet spot behind your ear.

" shit" you said gripping her ass.

Bey sucked lightly on your sweet spot, nibbling in. Wanting to leave a mark on you She started sucking harder in the same spot.

" fuckkk" you growled.

You was glad you had on sweatpants, you were so hard right now and it definitely felt good when Bey was grinding against you. You grabbed Beyoncé by her neck, looking at her.

" let me taste you" you said.

Beyoncé shyly nodded her head, blushing hard. You got up with Bey in your arms going to the room that y'all was sharing. You let Beyoncé get down before sliding her dress down. Pushing her gently on the bed you hovered over her kissing from her neck down to her center. Beyoncé let out a moan when you kissed her vagina over her underwear. Beyoncé lifted herself up sliding her panties off before she slowly opened her legs in front of you. You pulled Her closer by her legs before you buried your head between her legs.

"Oh my god" Bey gasped.

You ate her pussy like it was your last meal, devouring her pussy. You stuck your fingers in her pussy fingering her as you ate her out.

"Y/N.... baby that feels good" Beyoncé moaned.

Placing both her hands on your head she started rocking her hips.

"Babyyyyy" bey moaned out loud as she came

You stood up and started taking off your clothes. Beyoncé watched your every move, she sat up when you got to your pants.

"Hurry" she whined as she waited for you.

You chuckled before taking both your pants and boxers off letting your dick spring free. Beyoncé stared at your dick biting at her bottom lip.

"Come here baby" she said.

You climbed on the bed hovering over Beyoncé, she had her legs wide open. Wrapping her arms around your neck pulling you down.

" no soft shit" Beyoncé said.

" I don't wanna hurt you" you said looking down at her.

" I meant what I say"

"Ok....... I don't have a condom"

" Y/N!..... fuck a condom" Beyoncé said getting frustrated.

You sat up before lining yourself up,pushing pass Beyoncé's tight walls.

"Yessss" bey moaned out loud.

You had to take a minute because her pussy was just unbelievable tight. You lifted her legs over your shoulders before your started beating her pussy up.

"Damn you creaming all on my dick" you moaned.

Beyoncé reached down between y'all rubbing on her clit as you fucked her,Bey cried out at she came on your dick.

" yeah turn around, I'm not done with you yet" you said.


"You're so beautiful" Beyoncé said caressing your face.

" so are you" you said smiling at her.

" I never thought I'll be happy again....thought I'll always struggle to provide for Ava. But then you came along and I'm so thankful for you. Thank you for taking care of me and my daughter" Beyoncé said.

" I mean that's what couples do. They take care of each other... believe it or not but I'm very much more happier with you two around.....maybe it was meant to be" you said.

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