Mother May I

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" baby where you going? It's late?" Beyoncé mumbled as she sat up in bed seeing her husband getting dress.

" I'll be back baby girl, I have to go down to Stacey's office" Tom said.

" don't take so long please" Bey said before laying back down.

"I won't" he said kissing her head before leaving.

You sat in a empty office just chillin while the social worker was talking to some old man. You was pulled out of your house at 3 in the morning. Your mama wasn't there as always so they just told you to pack your things. You couldn't wait to turn 18 so these people could leave you alone. You didn't want no family, you was good on your own.

" come on kid you're coming with me" Tom said opening the door.

"Where we going?" You asked following the guy.

"To my house, your new home"


Beyoncé couldn't keep her eyes off the kid her husband brought home. she was tall,very well built, and super cute. She listened as Tom spoke to You.

" your curfew is 9:30 no later then that. When you come from school homework and chores first, no smoking or drinking. I'm a cop I can and will arrest you if I catch you"

"You see that beautiful lady of there? Respect her and do as she say" Tom said pointing at Bey.

" I gotta listen to yo daughter?" You asked frowning up your face.

" that's my wife. And if you don't follow my rules you'll be grounded" Tom said.

" Ight. Where imma be sleeping at?" You asked.

"Do you want me to show her or you got it?" Beyoncé asked.

" I got it" Tom said.


You was glad Tom wasn't here, it was 10pm and you was just coming through the door.

"Lateeeee" Beyoncé yelled from the kitchen.

"The bus was taking long" You said passing the kitchen.

"Get in here" Beyoncé said.

You groaned before you slowly made your way in the kitchen trying not to seem high.


Beyoncé looked up at You, your eyes sitting really low. She walked over to you grabbing your shirt to smell it but You pulled away.

" chill out man, just vibe" You said stepping back.

"You're high as fuck, and you smell like a pound" Beyoncé stated.

"That's my spray, it's organic" you said trying not to laugh.

" don't fuck with Me" Beyoncé said.

"Ight so what" you said walking away.

"Y/N GET BACK HERE NOW!" Beyoncé shouted.

You ignored bey going up to your room. You stripped out of your clothes real quick before layin in your bed in your briefs and sports bra strolling through your phone.

" so I see you want me to tell your dad" Bey said coming in.

" that man ain't my Daddy and I don't need one so you can get out" you said.

" you better watch how you speak to me, you're in my house" Beyoncé said.

You stood up getting all up in Beyoncé's face. Beyoncé gasped when she seen your bulge, Tom told her you was different but he wouldn't say. And the way those briefs was hugging your dick.

"You wouldn't have none of this shit if it wasn't for that old man. You just like them hoes in the street, need a sugar daddy to take care of them" you said.

"I- I don't need anyone taking care of me" Bey said.

"Then what a 24 year old like you doing dating a 50 year old man?"

" age is nothing but a number"

" just admit it, you in love with that man money" You chuckled before sitting down.

" I'm with him because youngsters don't do shit for me" Bey said before walking out.

YOU FUCKIN WITH THE WRONG ONES" you yelled so she heard you.


" Y/N go help Beyoncé clean the kitchen" Tom said.

You groaned before getting up, You couldn't wait until you turn 18 because you was sick of going from house to house. Going downstairs to the kitchen you seen Bey grabbing the garbage but you took it from her.

"I got it" you said.

" thank you" Bey said.

"That man don't clean? I never see him clean" You asked walking out the door.

" he works" she said following you out.

" I heard that before. Just because he got the money don't mean he can treat you like shit" You said throwing the trash away.

Beyoncé leaned against the house watching You. She was very much indeed attracted to you.

" you were right the other day....... I met him when I was 20. I stole food from a store and he was the one that arrested me. He was being all sweet to me and when I got out he gave me his number. I saw an opportunity and I took it, I didn't have it all growing up" Beyoncé said.

" me either and I know real when I see real. You don't need him, get yourself a job save up and dip on his ass" you said moving next to Beyoncé.

"You don't need nobody, as long as you got yourself then you good ma" You said.

" that's why you're so shut in like that?"

" it's just me in this world. My dad left when I was young, my mama a druggy. The court gave my mama so many chances and she continued to allow them to take me, she didn't want to try" You said.

" I'm sorry" Bey said.

" everything happened for a reason" You said smiling at Beyoncé.

Beyoncé slowly moved her hand closer over to Your hand. Gently grabbing your hand.

" you don't have to go through everything alone" Beyoncé said.

" you too"

You and Beyoncé both stared at each other, Beyoncé eyes moving from your eyes to your lips. You bit your bottom lip as you looked at Bey, pulling her a little closer.

"You can kiss me" Bey said.

You looked behind Bey checking to see if Tom was around.

" mother may I?"you asked stepping in front of her pinning her hands to the wall.

" you may" She said chuckling at your little joke.

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