Attitude Nasty

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You pulled up in the school parking lot with your music blasting and smoke blowing out your windows. You seen your girlfriend standing on the side with her arms crossed. You pulled up in front of her waiting for to get in. Beyoncé got in the car slamming the door, she turned her body towards the door and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Bruh what's wrong with you?" You asked turning down your music.

Beyoncé completely ignored you so you just left her alone. When Bey realized you were dropping her home that's when she decided to speak up.

"I'm not going home" she said.

"Where you going then? Not to my crib with no fuckin attitude" you said looking over at her.

"You ain't bring me lunch" she mumbled.

"Wowww" you said as you continued to drive.

"You got an attitude over some damn lunch, bae we can go out to dinner" you said.

"You so spoiled man, it don't make no sense" you said turning on your block.

"But if I wanted dinner I would've told you I wanted to go out to dinner. I was hungry when I texted you!" She snapped.

You stopped the car right in the middle of the road, turning your attention to your girlfriend.

"Who you yelling at Giselle?" You asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Girl take me home" she said waving her hand at you.

"Alright, shidd"

You did a u-turn before you speeded off to drop Bey home, not about to deal with her petty ass. When you pulled up at Beyoncé's house, she got out slamming your door again.

"And don't call or text me fuck nigga" she said walking away.

You threw your car in park before getting out.

"What happen?" You asked following behind her.

"You clearly heard me" she said grabbing her keys to unlock the door.

"Don't get fucked up" you said looking at Bey.

Beyoncé finally unlocked her door, she turned back to you as she stood in her door way.

"You done talking to me?" She asked you.

Not replying fast enough for her liking, she slammed the door in your face.

"I'm not about to go to jail tonight" you said walking back to your car.

"This gotta be a test from God"


"There you go again with this game shit" Beyoncé said.

"I didn't call you over here to play the game" she said to you.

You rolled your eyes as Bey kept talking, that was until she reached over and slapped the shit outta you.

"Don't play" she said sitting back.

"See now you smellin ya pussy too much, I let you slide with that little stunt three days ago but now I'm finna beat yo ass" you said putting your controller down.

You stood up before you grabbed Bey by her shirt, yanking her off the couch.

Y/N!" Beyoncé said when she hit the floor.

"Shut the fuck up" you said pinning her down.

"Get yo fat ass off me!" She yelled.

"Or what? Talk that big shit so I can smack you in the mouth" you said.


"You been on a ball with this nasty attitude and shit" you said holding her hands as she tried to get free.

"You want me to beat it up huh?" You asked with a grin.

"Yo shit little" she laughed.

"LITTLE! Bey! My wh- you know what. Since it's so little lemme see if you can swallow this little dick" you said moving off her.

"Get the fuck out my house" she said standing up.

"Oh nowww you mad. Sit cho ass down somewhere" you said going back to yo game.

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