Pretty brown eyes

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"Bey it's time to get up" you said pulling the blankets off Her.

"Stoppppp" Beyoncé whined curling up in a ball.

"Fine then I guess I have to mess with one of your Chanel bags to get you up" you joked.

"Y/N I will kill you" Beyoncé said sitting up.

"Then get up sleepy head" you said.

Bey sat up in bed with a pout on her face. You just looked at her and chuckled because how cute she was. You walked over to Her wrapping your arms around her.

"My big baby" you said kissing her head.

"I'm tired" she mumbled.

"Yes I know but you have an interview in like an hour" you said.

You were Beyoncé's assistant slash piece of ass every time she was in the mood to fuck. But you didn't mind because you honestly couldn't get enough of the goddess with those pretty brown eyes. She was like a drug you wasn't ready to get clean from. But you knew she didn't feel the same way. Beyoncé loved when you were all affectionate to her, she liked the fact that you was always on her but she never did the same. You wanted the same feeling she got when you did it to her but that didn't matter because you needed your job and again, those pretty brown eyes just made everything go away.

"You wore me out last night" Beyoncé chuckled.

" like i always do. I'm gonna go get the rest of them so they could do your hair and makeup" you said.

" and breakfast Y/N" she said walking to the bathroom.

" you mean the tray of food you keep overlooking" you yelled out before leaving out the door.

Walking down the hall towards Steven room. You knocked on the door and was surprise to see everyone in one room.

"Oh she finally let you out" Sam said.

"Come on not today, let's just do our jobs and get her sorted" you said rolling your eyes.


You stood away from everyone else tired of hearing them telling you what to do or them just nagging you about sleeping with Bey. Beyoncé had one more interview before she had to head to the arena for the show tonight. Standing on the side of the stage while Bey was out talking in the interview.

"So Beyoncé is their anyone special in your life right now?" The guy asked.

"Not at the moment, I'm just having fun" she chuckled.

That sung your heart, you knew you had to get away from her because your feelings were getting too deep for her and the last thing you wanted was to be played. From now on you were gonna keep things professional. After the interview, instead of getting in the truck with Bey like you always do you road with the camera crew who was recording for her documentary but you still had to be with her. Getting to Beyoncé's dressing room she was jumping on you as soon as you came in.

" come on, chill out" you said gently pushing her away.

"What's wrong baby?" Beyoncé asked grabbing your hand.

"I don't think I can do this anymore" you mumbled.

"Y/N do what?" Bey asked you.

" Beyoncé I like you, way too much than I should and you don't give a fuck about my feelings. I'm just a good fuck to you but I'm letting you know now that I'm done" you said.

"No.... baby, I didn't mean to make you feel that way" Beyoncé said stepping closer to you.

" you mean a lot to me" she said caressing your face.

You wanted to walk out that door and never look back but you had to look into those pretty brown eyes. It's like you were stuck like you was trapped under her spell. You let Bey wrap her arms around your neck, getting on her tippy toes she softly pecked your lips.

"Stay" she said looking at you.

"Ok" you said kissing her.

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