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"No it's ok you can play with them too" Gracie said.

" I Have a lot of toys and my mommy said it's always good to share" the 4 year old said.

You got up out of your chair when you heard your daughter talking. Walking across the hall you stuck your head in your daughter's room seeing her playing with her toys on the rug.

"Umm,who you talking to princess?" You asked.

"My friend Charlie" she said.

"Who the hell is charlie?"

You wasn't on the paranormal shit, this was your second hearing Your daughter talking to herself.

" he's my friend mama" Gracie said.

" well tell Charlie it's time for him to get up outta here" you said looking around the room one more time before leaving.

You was gonna make sure you remember to talk to your wife about this Charlie friend.


"Bae! Gracie!" Beyoncé called out when she walked in the house.

" kitchen" you said.

" oh hiii mommy" Gracie said giving her mom a big smile when she came in the kitchen.

"Hi baby girl" Beyoncé said kissing her daughter's head.

Beyoncé walked over to You wrapping her arms around you from behind.

" wassup beautiful. How was work?" You asked turning the pots off before turning around facing Bey.

" exhausting" Bey said moving her arms up to wrap around your neck.

" my poor baby" You said pecking Beyoncé's lips.

"Ewwww" Gracie said laughing.

" hey, this kiss is what got you here" You said.

" I'm gonna go change and I'll be right back" Beyoncé said.

Beyoncé walked upstairs ready to strip out her work clothes. Passing by her daughter's room Beyoncé thought she seen someone sitting on the floor, Bey stopped dead in her tracks before taking a step back looking in Gracie's room again. But nobody was in there so she continued to her room.

" you scared the shit out of me" Beyoncé said walking in her room seeing her friend sitting on her bed.

"Don't I always" Natalie said.

" was that you in Gracie room?" Bey asked.

"No been watching your fine ass wife all day" she said.

"Hey now" Bey said getting out of her work clothes.


" I need to talk to you" You said sitting in front of Bey.

" what's up baby?"

" so earlier today I heard Gracie in her room talking so I get up to go see who she talking to and she was in there by herself and I asked her who she was talking to and she said my friend Charlie. I wanna know who the fuck charlie is because I never met no Charlie did you?" You asked.

"oh! That's probably who you saw in Gracie's room" Natalie said.

You turned your head quick as fuck when you seen Beyoncé look behind you.

"You seen some shit?" You said getting up off the bed.

" you have to tell her" Natalie said.

"Ok Bey you freaking me out. You not gonna say nothing?" You asked.

Beyoncé imagines(Vol.1)Where stories live. Discover now